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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/1/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and I’ve got a big one for you tonight.

Today we tackled some huge topics, including why we may be in for a RED HOT October.

Do we finally see the final act of this “movie” playing out on the world stage?

Let’s start right there with a breakdown I thought was really insightful.

Note, he’s not saying he has inside sources and he’s not guaranteeing dates, he’s just using his own observational skills and common sense critical thinking to piece together what makes sense to him…and I think it’s spot on.

So many people today act like if it isn’t on Fox News or “the news” on whatever channel you watch, then it can’t possibly be true.

Give me a break!

God gave us all two eyes and one brain so we could think critically ourselves and so few people do anymore that I find it refreshing and inspiring when I come across it.

With that background, please read this:

INCOMING: Election Cancelled, Biden Removed, Trump Arrested, 10 Days of Darkness?

Does that tie into “the first arrest that will shock the world”?

That’s my opinion for a while now, and the dots continue to connect.

At this point, I think it’s at least a 75% chance or greater this analysis ends up being correct:

The First Arrest Will Shock The World?

Your thoughts?

Sticking with the first article, if true it would mean tonight’s Rally is the last Rally before this all goes down:

MICHIGAN: Trump’s Final Rally Before His Arrest?

Did you watch?

It might end up being historic.

Now, for those of you who are just getting ready to type me up a big nasty email saying this is all just fear-mongering and made up stuff, after reporting on this all day today, I couldn’t believe my ears tonight when President Trump himself addressed it at the Rally.

That’s right folks, I have it for your right here:

Notice he doesn’t say “and that will never happen!”

That would be a normal Trump thing to say.

He doesn’t say it.

Folks, he’s planting the idea because he knows that’s the next step (and he knows he will prevail through it).

But get ready because it’s coming, and remember we told you here first so you would be READY and not caught off guard!

Now go back up and read that first article again because it talks about how this story truly ends and what happens AFTER the arrest.

Spoiler alert: you will indeed like the ended, even if we go through some tough days to get there.

Moving on, as these next big dominoes begin to fall on the world stage, you will also see this exposed:

Kash: “FBI Was Into DEEP Sexual Perversion…And It’s All Coming Out!”

The next swings in this fight are going to be epic on both sides, but for everyone who has been waiting for TRUTH and JUSTICE to prevail, you’re about to get those in spades!

It’s going to be glorious!

Since we’re on the topic, here’s another prophetic voice chiming in today to let you know the final outcome…

If you need something uplifting, this is the one for you.

Such an amazing story about his trip to D.C. too, I think you’ll love this:

The 45th President Returns!

And while we’re on the topic of prophets, let’s hit two more…

Two of the good guys, Timothy Dixon and Robin Bullock.

And both in top notch form.

Don’t miss:

Timothy Dixon Joins Robin Bullock’s Church For Special Night!

And we might as well end out the Newsletter on the same topic…

The rare one-topic newsletter!

We end with another “prophet” but this one is a prophet of a not-so-good “entity”….we’ll just leave it at that.

This is a Satanic prophet.

Read this:

Yuval Noah Harari: “God Is Dead, It’s Just Taking a While To Get Rid of the Body”

Be sure to read the article to get my thoughts in reply….I think you’ll really like them!

How perfect is that?

I always love reading your comments but tonight especially I’d love to hear what you thought about everything.

Leave a comment below or shoot me a reply.


Ok, one bonus article before I go, only because I want to use a funny line in response:

Stacey Abrams Suffers Another Loss, This Time in Court

She definitely has never suffered a “loss” on the scale!

Get it?

Because she’s a huge giant whale!

She’s fat!

Ok, I gotta go.

Your friend,



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