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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/14/22



Hey friends,

Noah here — how are you?

Happy Friday!

Hope your day has been great.

Here’s what you may have missed today (or what was hidden from you):

I love our top story, I’ve been waiting for someone to really EXPLAIN and EXPOSE this:

Researcher Uncovers Where Those Wikipedia Donations Really Go

And do you have any guesses on this one?

Major Name Leaving CNN?

And this guy is a real piece of work…

DemocRat, of course:

UPDATE: DC Deputy Mayor Resigns After Being Charged with Assault and Battery

Bye meathead!

Next we have big news from Elon Musk…

Sorry Ukraine, you lose!

Elon Musk Has Bad News For Ukraine

And is this any coincidence in return?

I don’t think so:

JUST IN: Feds Investigating Elon Musk Over Twitter Acquisition

We end with our top story…

I can’t even believe this, but it’s real.

A new tape just got released with Nancy Pelosi talking about President Trump saying she’s going to “punch him out”.

Then she says she will go to jail and be so happy if she assaults him.

Then she says she’ll have him arrested for trespassing.

What in the world?

Why is it that the only people ACTUALLY inciting violence always seem to be the DemonRats?

This is stunning.

Watch here:

(J6 Footage) Pelosi Threatened Violence Against Trump: “I’m Going to Punch Him Out”

Before I go…🚨 ONE BONUS!

If you haven’t seen this yet, you should really watch.

Not much time left:


Your friend,



Did you know the Noah Report homepage has 60 new headlines every 24 hours?

Click here to check it out!

And be sure to Bookmark it.

I’ve heard from a lot of people who have made it their new homepage….smart!



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