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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/17/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

Thank you for all your messages and prayers after last nights email.

Wow, so awesome to hear from all of you!

I’m on the mend, and good news is my Ivermectin is arriving hopefully tomorrow!

FYI this is my spot:

Prepare for the Unexpected: Why Now is the Time to Get Essential Medicines

Really excited to take a full treatment cycle.

Ok, now the news.

Things are escalating very fast overseas:

JUST IN: Ground Troops AND Marines Being Deployed To Israel Region

The biggest story I am watching is this:

Biden’s Visit To Israel Very Concerning, Franz Ferdinand Assassination Event Incoming?

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

And you have to read that article to see the bit on Franz Ferdinand.

Absolutely fascinating!

I knew a bit about the story but not all of it.

Another FF in history.

Then we have this:

Biden Wants Congress To Send $100 BILLION To Ukraine And Israel

More fake money to fake friends (Ukraine).

What’s another $100 billion among friends?

I actually found this clip pretty hilarious:

(WATCH) Fox News Host Caught On Hot Mic Calling GOP Legislator A “Dumb***”

And I told you this wasn’t going away….

Nope, this is going straight to the Supreme Court:

President Trump Appeals Obama Judge’s Gag Order

Saw this next one coming a mile away too….

Free Thinking is no longer allowed!

Charlie Kirk Labeled “Anti-Semitic” For Questioning Israeli Government Response To Hamas Attack

Jim Jordan lost voting round 1 today.


Jim Jordan Lost The Vote For Speaker – What’s Next?

I say we let them do 17 rounds of voting and then we bring in Big Daddy Trump!

That’s what we all want!

Here’s what I posted to X today:

And here are the Republicans who voted NO:

Here Are The 20 Republicans Who Voted “NO” On Jim Jordan

Another endorsement today for Trump:

Another Famous Rapper Endorses Donald Trump

And more on my BioHacking quest….

I love this stuff!

Here’s an honest report:

Does NMN Actually Work? The Good, The Bad and the UGLY?


Ok, I gotta run.

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 25,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

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