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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/23/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and I believe we are about to engage on a week unlike any other.
I think you’re going to unprecedented things start to happen.
Tomorrow is 10/24 and Bo Polny has told us that’s a key date.
What will happen?
We wait and see.
Now let’s cover what happened just today on this not-so-sleepy Sunday…
Starting with this:
McConnell sure does look like a traitor to me…
You thoughts?
We need to expel this turtle roach out of the GOP!
And a lot of turncoats with him!
Since it’s Sunday, we go next to our Gospel message from our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman:
Thank you Robb for another wonderful message!
And great to see you looking healthy!
Speaking of looking healthy….or NOT looking healthy….what is going on here?
Spinning Vaxxed Phenomenon: Why Are People Spinning Around And Then Falling Dead?
I first learned of this from Sean over at SGT Report and it’s quite troubling!
I’ve already had one doctor (Dr. Barry) email me saying quote “it looks neurological”.
Would love to hear what you think after watching.
Very strange.
Speaking of strange, let’s talk NASA…
They lied to you again:
Sorry folks, I know this is one of those “sacred cows” that people have a hard time giving up, but most of NASA and Space is a lie.
At least the parts they’ve told you.
I’m sorry if that makes you made or upset, but I have an obligation to report the truth and I can’t take feelings into account.
Just read the report above and you will understand.
How about the Pluto part?
They’re just mocking you with that.
Let’s not give them the satisfaction.
Next we move to the midterms…
And it’s looking increasingly likely that they won’t happen.
Here’s why:
“Better Than a 50/50 Chance We Don’t Have a Midterm Election…”
My favorite story of the day is this next one…
Can anyone explain this to me?
Why Does Rothschild Have a Patent For COVID Testing…From 2015?
Love this next clip:
And also love hearing from Mike Lindell:
Mike Lindell Talks Bannon, Elections, And More At Trump’s Rally
Speaking of Mike, I’d like to personally ask everyone to join us this evening before this expires.
Will you help?
Thanks in advance!
Together we can make a huge difference!
And we end with our top story:
No joke, watching this gave me goosebumps.
THIS is what America is all about!
Not only would you never get enough people together at a Joe Biden rally to sing anything, but even if you did they would never do this…
Because they don’t truly love this country.
They hate it.
They are embarrassed by it.
Well I say they should leave because the rest of us feel like this!
What an amazing moment that will live forever in the history books!
Ok that’s a wrap for tonight…thank you so much for being here with us!
Your friend,
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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