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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/27/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and I know this is late tonight but it’s because we were tracking a breaking story…
JUST IN: Elon Musk officially owns Twitter!
And only hours and minutes into his ownership, it’s already incredible.
He’s fired the CEO, CFO and that Vagina lady.
Details here:
I’m so excited, I will probably not sleep much tonight!
Folks, the tide just shifted big time!
And it’s going to get VERY fun from here on out…
Can you feel it?
Also, we’re going to be posted a LOT more over on Twitter so be sure to follow us over there now that it’s safe again.
Find us at Daily Noah:
I could end the Newsletter right here and it would already be an epic day, but there’s so much more…
Let’s keep rolling.
Next up, you gotta love this:
They HATE that term so it’s pretty clear what we need to do, right?
Use it more!
It’s accurate!
If the Twitter deal isn’t the top story, then this is:
And before you think that’s too far out, just read it first.
It might change your mind…
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
As you know, I don’t publish something unless it’s solid, so understand that going into it.
And how sweet is this?
I’ve said many times that I wasn’t sure who would ever take over after Donald J. Trump, but now we know.
She’s the only person I’ve ever seen on the national stage who has the same charm, persona, strength, and courage as President Trump.
Sorry, but DeSantis ain’t it.
He’s fine, but he’s no Trump.
And he’s no Kari Lake.
She’s special, and I finally feel confident that the next 8 years after the next 4 years of Trump are in good hands.
Speaking of DeSantis, I don’t think he’s a bad guy, but he’s NOT going to replace Trump:
The Midterms are only a few days away, and you’re gonna love this next one…
The DemonRats are going down worse than the Titantic!
Worse than Kamala Harris hanging out with Willie Brown…
Worse than….oh, I’ll stop there.
Schumer Hot Mic: “We’re in Danger;” Election is “Going Downhill”
Terrible story to report next.
So sad, absolutely beautiful girl:
18-Year-Old High School Cheerleader Dies Suddenly Due to Blood Clot
I hate reporting on these.
Got a great story on Rush you’re gonna love:
Hilarious Secret About Rush Limbaugh’s Death Cerficitate Revealed
And we end with something very important….
If you or a loved one took the poison vaxx and now regret it, there may be hope!
Read this:
Ok, that’s a wrap.
I told you it was a massive day!
Love to get your thoughts, shoot me a reply or leave a comment….
Your friend,
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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