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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/28/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

Normally we cover politics and world events here, but tonight we bleed over to entertainment news….

And this sad report:

“Friends” Star Dead At Age 54

I was hoping to not have to cover this part of the story, but ultimately it was out of my hands:

Matthew Perry: “Could I BE Any More Vaccinated?”

What do you think?

This happened today:

Secret Service On Red Alert – Jets Scrambled At Biden’s Delaware Residency

Very strange!

And an absolute “Bombshell” report next….and you know I almost never use that word:

BOMBSHELL: President Trump To Present CLASSIFIED Information Of Election Interference At J6 Indictment Trial

Can’t wait!

Then we have this:

Maine Shooter – Robert Card’s Suicide Note Found

Another failed FF to spur on gun control?

So sick of this.

Next is something I totally love:

Where Do You Shop If You Leave Target? HERE!

We don’t just “Boycott”, we “BUYcott”!

Love it!

This next one is almost hard to believe until you see the videos:

Acapulco Devastated By Cat-5 Hurricaine: “It looks like a war zone…”

Next up, not a news item but very important….

Censorship ALWAYS ramps up right before a new election.

Especially one where President Trump is leading in the polls.

I have no doubt we will get banned from some platform between now and the election and I need to make sure we are connected.

Please follow us and stay connected on all these networks:

WLTReport: Here’s How To Find Us Online! [Bookmark This]

Thank you!

More great news next:

Jack Smith On The Retreat – Retracts 2nd Subpoena In President Trump Investigation

Even BETTER news here:

REVIVAL Breaks Out In Mississippi, Over 1,400 Saved And Counting!

This is happening tomorrow night….

A special invite from ME to YOU!

Can you join me?

I sure hope so:

Come On….You’re Invited!

Enjoy this one:

You HAVE To See This Video: “Central Casting”

And we end with our top story….

These guys are doing great work and even Superman supports them!


REPORT: How a Faith-Based Gold Company Is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement (Ft. Dean Cain)

That’s all for tonight.

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 25,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

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