Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/29/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.
Oh boy do we have a big one for you tonight!
I’ve barely left my office today, unable to get out of the chair….and I love it!
Ok, before we get into the news tonight, I want to make sure we’re connected over on Rumble.
We’re doing a lot over there recently and I love that they allow Free Speech!
So I’m publishing a lot on there and I want to make sure you can find us!
Here is my Rumble channel, please make sure we’re connected: Follow Me On Rumble Here
Here’s one thing we posted today, an interview with Derek Johnson that went absolutely viral, you can watch it here on Rumble:
So much good info in there!
Show a friend who needs to wake up!
Ok, now we go to Matthew Perry….
I tried to ignore this as these rumors were beginning to circulate, but then I looked into it myself and this is REALLY strange.
How many “coincidences” do there have to be before we start asking questions?
See what I mean for yourself here:
Speaking of Friends, sorry to all who love the show and I admit this may be an “unpopular opinion” but here’s my take on the show:
Unpopular opinion rant: The theme song to Friends was better than the show itself.
Friends was not funny.
It was “safe” and a “warm blanket” but it wasn’t “funny”.
Seinfeld and Frasier are the kings, Friends not in the conversation.
Seinfeld = Michael Jordan
Frasier = Kobe…— (@DailyNoahNews) October 29, 2023
Unpopular opinion rant: The theme song to Friends was better than the show itself.
Friends was not funny.
It was “safe” and a “warm blanket” but it wasn’t “funny”.
Seinfeld and Frasier are the kings, Friends not in the conversation.
Seinfeld = Michael Jordan
Frasier = Kobe Bryant
Friends = LeBum James
That’s my take and I’m sticking to it!
Next we go to something very strange….what in the world was he thinking?
Gavin Newsom Plows Over Young Child On Basketball Court….Then Spanks Him?
Next we go to President Trump in Iowa and specifically to Ben Carson who was on hand to give him his FULL endorsement!
Such an awesome moment:
BREAKING: Dr. Ben Carson Gives President Trump FULL Endorsement!
Speaking of Dr. Carson, I never forgot this moment….
Remember this?
Next up, since it’s Sunday I’m giving you a double header of Good News….
First up, it’s so great to see Pastor Robb back in the saddle this week:
And here’s your bonus:
Next we go to President Trump who is once again telling us as clearly as he can that this whole thing is about to come to a conclusion….sooner than you might think!
How much clearer can he say it?
President Trump: “It Can’t Be Very Much Longer…One Year Is A Very Long Time!”
I call it “Hidden in plain sight”.
Something a bit off the beaten path next, and I think you’re going to love this:
Scientists Discover “Breathtaking” Flash of Light That Occurs At Conception!
Show a friend!
We end tonight with our top story, something you truly need to see:
Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? 20 Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Articles!
Now do you see why Big Pharma hates it so much?
Ok, that’s a wrap for me tonight!
See you tomorrow.
Your friend,
We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…
Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 25,000 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
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