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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/1/21

Hi friends,
Noah here, how are you?
Happy Monday!
Let’s jump right in and we have to talk about the article that has garnered more comments and more emails that anything all year long: Michael Flynn.
Here is my response:
UPDATE: Michael Flynn’s Prayer TO Archangels About Demonic “Seven Rays” — My Thoughts
Please let me know where you stand!
Do you support this guy?
Now let’s talk about Bill Gates of Hell:
Bill Gates: “We Take GMOs and Shoot Them Right Into Kids’ Veins!”
Wow, what more do you really need to see?
And then we have Sleepy Joe literally falling asleep at a critical summit:
WATCH: Sleepy Joe Biden Fails To Make It Through The Opening Speeches Of COP26 Without Dozing Off
Yesterday I brought you this:
Doctor FIRED and Escorted Out of Hospital By Guards After Refusing the Vaxx!
And today I bring you this:
Video Shows Police Escorting Nurse out of Hospital After Her Religious Exemption Was Allegedly Denied Without Explanation
It’s spreading!
So sad.
Then we have Joe Biden bragging about how he’s going to remove millions of cars:
Biden Admits “We Will Take, Literally, Millions Of Automobiles Off The Road.”
Way to go Joe….what an accomplishment!
And then we have an update on the Southwest Pilot Hero:
LET’S GO BRANDON: Southwest Airlines Pilot Who Dropped LGB Over Intercom Now Target Of Internal Investigation
And we end with our top story:
ISIS Terror Threat Issued in Virginia, DC; Related to Afghan Refugees
See you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
Today I opened up a new Giveaway.
It’s perfect timing for Christmas!
I’m giving away one 99.9% pure silver TrumpClaus coin….
And THREE 99.9% pure copper TrumpClaus coins!
It’s 100% free to enter and you have four chances to win!
If you win, keep it or give it as a gift!
In addition to being made of pure precious metals, only 450 will ever be made so they will be a valuable collector’s item too!
Enter here:
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