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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/10/21



Hi friends,

Noah here, happy Hump Day!

Today is another one of those days where I have a ton to show you and I’m just going to give you the full boat.

Good with you?

Got a LOT of stories to show you about the jab and about protecting your children!!

Starting with this sad story:

12-Year Old Thailand Girl Sent to ICU Following Pfizer COVID-19 Jab; Diagnosed With Pulmonary Embolism

And is it just me or are we seeing a lot more of these recently?

Fully Vaccinated Minnesota Vikings Player Hospitalized After Contracting COVID-19

Clif High was right.

Hmmm, makes you wonder why they don’t want you to know about Ivermectin:

Is This Why They Don’t Want You To Know About Ivermectin?

Good thing you have me to tell you!

And if you thought it was bad jabbing kids 5-12, they didn’t waste any time move on to INFANTS:

Moderna Begins Trials For COVID-19 Jab on Infants Nationwide Despite Low Risk From Virus

Anyone else remember when this whole thing started and kids were basically immune?

It was only affecting old people.

Now it’s suddenly an emergency to jab infants?

Unless….the reason for the jab is not health at all and is something else?

Hmmm, just saying.

And there sure do seem to be a lot of “accidents” happening too with these kids…..

Like this:

California Mom Says Her Son Received The COVID-19 Jab Without Her Consent

And how about Bill Gates of Hell admitting this stunner:

WATCH: Bill Gates Admits mRNA Injections Do NOT Stop Transmission of Viruses

And now we have an entire country flashing the warning sign:

Germany Issues Dire Warning About Moderna Jab

You just gotta love this kid:

Florida Second Grader Suspended 36 Days For Mask Non-Compliance Tells School Board ‘I Hope You All Go To Jail’


The other big story today was the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and it was wild….

Starting with him taking the stand:

BREAKING: Kyle Rittenhouse Breaks Down in Tears on Stand

The other focus today was on the rockstar judge.

He finally did what we have all expected judges to do:

Judge In Rittenhouse Trial Takes Prosecutor To The Woodshed As Emotion Packed Day Continues

And this nearly exploded dozens of liberal heads in the courtroom:

Liberals Melt Down After Rittenhouse Judge’s Ringtone Plays ‘God Bless the USA’

And we end with our top story that the MSM has a blackout on:

Georgia Can’t Produce Over 17,000 Ballot Images…


See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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