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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/11/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and I’ve got your Friday Newsletter!

A lot to cover tonight, let’s get right to it.

Starting with big news out of Nevada:

JUST IN: Sheriff Joe Lombardo Projected to Flip Nevada Governor From Blue to Red

So great to see that state is finally going to get freed up and the people liberated!

Sisolak was a tyrant!

Another big win out of blue-state Oregon:

Republican Flips Democrat-Stronghold Oregon House Seat

Earlier today, Kari Lake posted: “Bombshell News”:

Kari Lake: “Bombshell News!”

Then we had this:

Kari Lake: “Keep Your Champagne Cold,” Vote Drop Expected 10 p.m. Eastern

And while Lake is still very much expected to win, it looks like they’re trying to wrap up the steal on this one:

BREAKING: Mainstream Outlets Call Arizona Senate Race for Democrat Mark Kelly

President Trump just said as much.

You can see his exact post in the article above.

Next up, I can’t even believe this got ONE single vote against, let alone got voted down, but this is the reality of our very damaged country:

Montana Voters Strike Down Law To Protect Babies AFTER Live Birth!

So incredibly sad, I don’t even know what to say.

Special message next for Veterans:

VETERANS ONLY: Do Not Read If You’re Not A Veteran or First Responder

And don’t let the MSM lie to you about this race…

Here’s the truth:

Popular Vote BLOWOUT: Republicans Cast 6 Million More Ballots Than Democrats

And we end with our top story…

I told you from the very beginning this was just a ploy to buy votes and that it would never happen:

Biden’s Student Loan Debt Cancellation Struck Down By Federal Judge

Then POOF!

Right after the Midterms, it’s gone.

Told you!

I sure hope you didn’t get rug-pulled.

Your friend,



Your friend,



With a massive Red Wave, it’s soon time to focus on the main enchilada…Daddy T45 himself!

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