Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/15/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.
Hope you’re doing great!
Excited to show you all we have today, starting with this beauty:
And I have lost ALL respect for Ben Shapiro.
I gave him a lot of slack over the past 3 years when he took the Far Left position on almost all the big issues of our time.
He’s like the Jim Cramer of politics….always wrong!
But we still offered him grace.
No longer.
He was caught on camera TRASHING Candace Owens and that’s the last straw.
Time to cut this Warmongering RINO (secret Lefty) loose!
Candace Owens Responds On Tucker Carlson’s Show After Ben Shapiro Calls Her “Disgraceful”
Ben, we have no use for you anymore….
And I expect Candace will soon leave your DailyWire and team up with Tucker’s new media company.
Then we have this:
HISTORIC! Judge Sounds The Alarm On Voting Machines—Sets Court Date
Could it be?
Are Judges now shining the spotlight on 2020?
Totally love this one:
Jonathan Isaac To Launch First Basketball Sneaker With Visible Bible Verses
And look what we have here….
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks:
This one is pretty wild:
Man, that is one cool cat.
Always loved Judge Joe Brown!
Also love what these guys (and gals) are doing:
This is very scary:
ALERT: FCC Approves Biden Administration’s Plan For Internet Takeover
And sorry Joe but I don’t see this happening:
Top Democrat Is “Absolutely” Considering Running For President
Then we have something truly wild….
Remember The Matrix movies?
Especially the first one?
It’s literally where we get the phrase “red pilled”.
Well…..the directors WERE brothers, who are now tranny SISTERS.
What are the odds?
RED PILL: The Sibling Creators Of “The Matrix” Are Now Both “Trans Women”
What do you think is going on here?
And perhaps even stranger is this….
Will Smith takes it up the rumpus?
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger….I just report:
Ok, here’s one more bonus item that came in after press time….
I actually just agreed with Alyssa Milano about something:
Stop the presses…..I have just agreed with @Alyssa_Milano on something!
The WAR MACHINE must be stopped!
And using Israel as their patsy is abhorrent! Very cunning, but very abhorrent.
You do not use Israel to push the world into more war.
Very evil.
— (@DailyNoahNews) November 16, 2023
It’s very strange what’s happening right now….
People who have presented themselves as Conservatives/Republicans (Ben Shapiro) have taken Far Left positions on almost everything (he pushed the COVID vaxx hard, and now pushing unlimited war as long as Israel kills everyone they don’t like, women and children is just fine) and people who are traditionally very left (Alyssa Milano) I find myself agreeing with as we both want the endless, corrupt WAR MACHINE to stop.
What a world we live in!
Never would have seen this coming 10 years ago……
Your friend,
Is this your life?
Look familiar?
Time to change!
The owner of THIS company just set a world record for rowing while in his 70s because of his awesome vitamins!!
That’s why I’m on this Mission and pushing this Movement forward!
Life….and life to the full!
I love our Movement because we are definitely in this thing together!
Let’s “BUDLIGHT” every Deep State company we possibly can! if you want in!
Suns out, guns out!
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