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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/23/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night special Thanksgiving Edition of the Newsletter.

And we have to start with this:

So good!

Ok, now the news and you might think not much happened today but you would be wrong.

We start here:

ANOTHER Airline Passenger Freaks Out: ‘She’s possessed! She needs help!’

What is going on in airports and on airplanes?

Some reports saying it was THREE ladies all freaking out this time!

Big warning here if you haven’t seen this yet:

Massive Layoffs Will Soon Begin For Top American Bank

And on a holiday (root word: HOLY DAY) I thought it was good to remember this:

Did You Know The U.S. Capitol Was Regularly Used As A Church Building Throughout History?

Have you ever heard that before?

Now you have!

The People’s House!

Now you’re under surveillance THREE YEARS LATER if you even flew into the City….

Did you hear about this?

Absolutely insane!

Air Marshals Still Following People Who Flew Into D.C. Area On January 6th? [VIDEO]

Another recall warning next:

WARNING: 5,620 Pounds Of Raw Ground Beef Products Recalled

And a MAJOR warning about this:

Cosmopolitan Mag Gives Readers Instructions on How to Perform a “Satanic Abortion Ritual”

How evil can you get?

That has to rank up right near the top….

Ok, now that Thanksgiving is in the books, you know what comes next: BLACK FRIDAY.

But if you don’t want to make it “BlackRock Friday” then may I kindly suggest not shopping at the big companies that hate you?

Here’s a group of companies that actually likes you and likes America….and I’ve got you discounts on every single one!

Top Five Black Friday Deals from WLTReport Sponsors (Special Discount Codes Inside)

Major warning on this next one….

Do NOT read if you are sensitive.

This is very gross:

Balenciaga 2.0? Except This Is Way Worse…

Next we have very strange things happening at OpenAI (the company that brought us ChatGPT).

Many rumors saying they have achieved AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

What does that mean and why should you care?

It’s basically the point in which the computers become better at us in every feasible way, and they no longer need our programming….they evolve from that point forward on their own.

Some have even suggested it may be the birth of a new lifeform (think Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation).

Did it just happen?

OpenAI CEO Ousted Amid Terrifying Discovery

Oh my….

What a time to be alive folks!

We went live with this next story yesterday and it is pissing off a LOT of Freemasons.

And you know what?

I don’t care.

I hope they all leave here, because I don’t need that kind of evil around here.

Independent Journalist Infiltrates FREEMASON Lodge, Exposes Bizarre Rituals!

And we end with our top story….

More bad news for DeSantis:

Top DeSantis Backer Resigns From Super Pac

Ron, it’s over bud.

Prediction: he will drop out before the Florida Primary because he can’t risk the crushing defeat to his reputation of losing in his home state as a sitting Governor.

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight!

Your friend,



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