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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/24/22



Hey friends,

Noah here your special Thanksgiving holiday edition of the Newsletter!

The biggest news of the day is being ignored by the crooked MSM.

Read this:

Elon Musk Says He’ll Make Public Internal Twitter Discussions About Censorship of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Elon is going to blow this whole thing wide open!

He has all the receipts.

All the data.

All the private stuff they never thought anyone would ever see.

And now he’s going to release it all.

Can you say MAJOR Red Pill?

Oh my….

Meanwhile, here is how Joe spent the day:

Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving Message: “I’m Going to Try and Get Rid of Assault Weapons”

How Patriotic Joe, trying to abuse the 2nd Amendment!

The only reason they’d need to ban guns is because they’re about to do something they know you’ll shoot them for!

Not “you” specifically, and I’m not advocating violence, but you get the idea.

Basically, this meme:

Next up, it’s fair to say this was a stunner:

Ye Tweets He Visited Mar-a-Lago and Asked Trump to be His Running Mate

Any ideas what his answer was? 😂

Back to Elon, how awesome is this?

Yes, it’s real:

Elon Musk: “Is MyPillow Actually A Great Pillow?”

Maybe Elon needs to see this, because now is the time to grab one!

Even a billionaire can appreciate saving 75%!

Early Black Friday Sale – Over 30 Items With Huge Discounts At MyPillow

Then we go to the poison vaxx, and this is beyond laughable.

Who makes this crap up?

Someone with a wildly over-active imagination:

NIH Article Blames Heart Attacks Post Vaccination on ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ Stressing People to Death

Meanwhile, in the real world:

Two Runners Go Into Cardiac Arrest During Half Marathon

We end with our top story…

And a real personal favorite of mine:

Hated By CNN: Meet The Tuttle Twins!

Not much time left!

Ok, that’s a wrap!

Get some sleep if you’re getting up early tomorrow for sales…

Your friend,



Your friend,



Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.

It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.

Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇



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