Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/29/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.
Got a ton to show you and it’s late, so I’ll go quick.
Starting with my favorite story in a long time:
I love it Elon!!
Speaking of Elon, this is quite weird:
Why Does “Elon” Appear In The 1952 Book “Project Mars” Written By NASA Scientist?
And this is somewhat related as well:
Bye, we will probably not miss you….
And you gotta love this:
New Trump Photo Rocks The Web, Reveals 45th President’s Musical Taste!
Our President has good taste in music!
Also, can anyone tell me what this means?
Two huge stories breaking today about Mark Cuban….
What do you think is going on?
Mark Cuban Leaving “Shark Tank”, Abruptly Sells The Dallas Mavericks
Next up is a sad story….
Let’s hope it somehow has a good ending:
SAVED From YouTube’s Purge: “Fall of the Cabal” [Parts 1-10 Here]
I think this next one is very prophetic (and it also reminded me of Monty Python):
Prophetic? White House Christmas Tree DEAD, New One Toppled Over
Next up, you sure do learn a lot at these funerals:
Sun Shines On Melania Trump Perfectly, Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama Left In Shadow
By the way, wouldn’t it traditionally have been more common for the sitting President to have the aisle seat?
LOVE the update here:
UPDATE: Young Kansas City Chiefs Fan Falsely Smeared For Wearing ‘Black Face’ Is Native American
How poetic is that?
I sure hope he sues them for defamation, that hit piece story was insane.
And we end with our top story:
BAD HARBINGER? Jamie Dimon To Sell His JPMorgan Shares For First Time In 18 Years!
That can’t be good!
He has access to more information than all of us combined and he’s getting out!
Perhaps you might want to get some…
Before I go, we’re getting close to having the first 500 spoken for and might hit that by the time you read this, but giving everyone one more chance here.
I love this….
I have 500 of these that I’m going to be giving away for FREE:
Yes, really!
100% free, you just cover the S&H and it’s yours.
With 5+ million readers of the website, I think they’re going to go very fast and I’m not sure when we’ll get our second batch after the first 500 so what I’m doing is giving Newsletter readers first dibs.
No purchase necessary….
No commitment necessary….
But if you want to get your name on the list for the first 500, just go here and add it: RESERVE YOUR HAT HERE
Only rule is first-come, first-served and no complaining if you don’t get in.
Fair enough?
Ok cool.
For the first 500 on the list, I’ll shoot you the access link as soon as they’re ready, probably within the next week or so.
See ya tomorrow!
Your friend,
Is this your life?
Look familiar?
Time to change!
The owner of THIS company just set a world record for rowing while in his 70s because of his awesome vitamins!!
That’s why I’m on this Mission and pushing this Movement forward!
Life….and life to the full!
I love our Movement because we are definitely in this thing together!
Let’s “BUDLIGHT” every Deep State company we possibly can! if you want in!
Watch here:
Want in?
It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here
— (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023
Sun’s out, gun’s out!
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