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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/7/21

Hi friends,
Noah here….Happy Sunday!
Since I’m always a man of my word, we start by announcing the WINNER of our first-ever MyPillow giveaway!
Was it you?
Winner announced here:
Announcing The Winner Of Our MyPillow Giveaway!
And speaking of Mike, I’ve got your back when it comes to Christmas.
Right here:
Support Mike Lindell and Get Your Christmas Shopping Done All At One Time!
Who loves ya baby? — NOAH!
*** Support Mike and WeLoveTrump,
*** Go to MyPillow.com and use this code: WLT
Thank you for always supporting Mike!
Ok, now let’s jump into our top story today….
Read and share this master list of people posting all their adverse reactions and deaths of family members:
DATABASE: Master List of Adverse Reactions to The Vaccine!
Spread the word!
Since it’s Sunday, I love to share a good message with you and this week’s comes from our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman:
Sunday Message: Taking Down Jericho Today!
Awesome message!
This is another one that needs to be shared far and wide:
Texas Dad: COVID Vaccine Killed My Son!
So sad.
He thought he was doing the right thing.
And what do we have here?
I’d love to get your thoughts on this:
Biden’s “Presidential” Seal Is Blurred During Live Stream
And we end with this one:
President of New Jersey Senate Declared Loser Earlier This Week Says He’s Not Conceding After 12,000 Ballots Show Up
Hold strong sir!
Ok, that’s a wrap….see you tomorrow!
Your friend,
Have you always wanted to try a MyPillow pillow?
We drew the winner of our first Raffle earlier today and now I’m giving away a second one!
If you didn’t win the first time, you get a second chance!
Even with my discount (promo code WLT saves you up to 66%!), I’ve heard from some people who say they’d love to try one but they don’t have money to spend right now.
So I’m giving ANOTHER one away 100% for free!
Will you be the winner this time?
It’s completely free to enter and I even cover the shipping cost if you win.
Just something fun for my readers!
There are benefits to being here with us and this is one!
You can enter here and as always, THANK YOU for supporting Mike Lindell:
Enter here to win a FREE MyPillow:
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