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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/9/21

Hi friends,
Noah here, how are you?
Got a lot to show you on this Tuesday evening, let’s jump right in….
Starting with this:
Gavin Newsom Found? Images Surface From Absurd Wedding….
I don’t know, he sure looks awfully shielded to me and like he knew he needed to make SOME kind of a public appearance.
Your thoughts?
Then we have something truly appalling:
Brothel Offers Free “Sessions” to Get On-Site COVID-19 Jabs; Patrons Young as 14 Allowed Access to Clinic
How is this even legal?
Now we’re offering sex to 14 year olds if they get the jab?
But I guess even that isn’t as bad as this:
Vermont is Giving Condoms to 12 Year Olds?
I just have one question….do they even fit on a 12 year old?
I mean….really?
Or this:
12 Year Olds Asked About Sex Life: Parents Outraged!
These people are sick!
And here is someone else who is definitely sick in the head:
Pfizer CEO: People Who Spread Misinformation on COVID Vaccine are ‘Criminals’
There are definitely criminals out there, and you may be one bud!
Then we have my personal favorite of the day:
INSTANT CLASSIC: Nancy Pelosi’s “Please Clap” Moment!
Because I love any chance I get to replay Jeb’s famous “please clap” moment…..
This next one needs to be shared far and wide:
WATCH: Coerced Flight Attendant Who Took COVID-19 Jab Under Duress Suing Airline For Adverse Reactions
And can you believe this?
Pete Buttigieg Wants to Use Infrastructure Bill to Address “Racist” Highway Designs
These lunatics think EVERYTHING is racist!
And we end with our top story:
WATCH: Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA Injections Are Cell & Gene Therapies. Predicts 95% Would Refuse With No “Pandemic”
Now does it all make sense?
Ok that’s all for tonight.
Write me back, I love to read your replies.
Your friend,
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