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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/9/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter…
So much happening.
Let’s jump right in with the top story on MY mind so I bet it might be top on yours:
Next we have a big update from Mike Lindell:
Mike Lindell: Midterm Elections Not Over Yet and the Fraud is Awakening Everyone!
And something VERY interesting…
This hit me today and I was stunned when I remembered it:
Did The Plan To Reinstate Trump (Before 2024) Just Come Into Focus?
Love to get your thoughts…
Very possible!
Then we have Biden threatening Elon Musk:
Joe, you’ll never be half the man Elon is…
Maybe you should ask him for help instead of bedowngrading him!
And my personal favorite story of the day:
Meta (Facebook) Layoffs Begin TODAY, Zuckerberg Says ‘Sorry’
Hey Mark….I don’t really know, but perhaps, and I’m just saying to consider this, perhaps you should not have banned all the productive people from your platform?
Perhaps that was a bad idea?
Perhaps bad for business?
I had 1.5 MILLION followers on Facebook and we were so active every single day…
Red hot.
Huge engagement.
People loved it.
Spending money on ads.
The whole deal.
And then one day you just deleted me.
I don’t know, I’m no Warren Buffet but perhaps that was bad for business?
And next I have to address something I am seeing all over the place.
People complaining Republicans didn’t do well enough…
Or Lefties saying the Red Wave wasn’t big…
Sorry, that’s nonsense.
I correct the record here:
Republicans Did “Bad”? What Are You Talking About? [FROM NOAH]
Then we move to a Prophecy Fulfilled:
I love doing these!
And Timothy Dixon:
And we end with my take on Trump vs. DeSantis.
I set the record straight:
Wow, what a day!
Oh, one more bonus before I go…
Our top story of the week if you haven’t seen it:
Ok, that’s a wrap!
Your friend,
Your friend,
With a massive Red Wave, it’s soon time to focus on the main enchilada…Daddy T45 himself!
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