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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/23/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

Happy Christmas Eve, Eve!

Curious to know what the tradition is in your household….do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

I’ve heard of both.

Let me know!

Ok, tonight we start with some pretty incredible news for Mitch McConnell:

Mitch McConnell Gets Devastating News, Should He Just Call It Quits?

So how does he keep getting elected?

Things that make you go hmmmm......

And this battle continues to rage on Twitter.

Clif really seems to be having a violent spiritual and emotional reaction here, but the thing is he's maybe 75% right in what he's identified.

Only problem is the 25% is a BIG 25% and a glaring omission:

Bo Polny Attacked By Clif High On Twitter

The story breaking tonight as I'm preparing this Newsletter:

BREAKING: Founding Dixie Chicks Member Laura Lynch Killed in Car Crash

And what do we have here?

WATCH: UFO Spotted Near Air Force One?

I'd like to make a joke about them coming to bring Biden home, but I actually don't think it's a laughing matter plus I'm not sure Biden has ever truly been allowed on Air Force One.

Some truth here next:

WATCH: The REAL Reason President Trump Is Being Persecuted?

And great to hear from this guy:

UPDATE: Man Who Destroyed The Satanic Idol At Iowa Capitol Building Speaks Out

And did you know this next one?

Big shout out to my friend Ted for telling me about it:

DID YOU KNOW? The One and Only Time Linus Drops His Blanket

Update on Jack Smith here:

Jack Smith’s Case Completely Derails, President Trump Issues NEW Statement!

And if you need a laugh, I've got you covered:

HILARIOUS: Who Is The Real Ron DeSantis?

More great news here:

SILVER LINING: Trump Campaign Scores Legal Victory!

And we end with our top story....

Iowa’s Attorney General Leads 22-State Coalition To STOP Big Banks From “Debanking” Conservatives!

Brenna Bird is new to her position but she is doing fantastic work!

Making Iowa proud!

Keep up the great work Brenna!

Your friend,



Is this your life?

Look familiar?

Time to change!

The owner of THIS company just set a world record for rowing while in his 70s because of his awesome vitamins!!

That's why I'm on this Mission and pushing this Movement forward!




Life....and life to the full!

I love our Movement because we are definitely in this thing together!

Let's "BUDLIGHT" every Deep State company we possibly can! if you want in!

Sun's out, gun's out!



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