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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/7/21



Hi friends!

Noah here and it’s another one of those nights where I have more to show you than I can fit into one Newsletter.

So….be sure to visit our homepage to see ALL stories:

Also remember to bookmark my other site that is becoming very popular:

These are both updated all day long with breaking news and you should have them both bookmarked in your browser.

And now for the highlights from today, and boy oh boy do we have some big stuff to show you.

First up, amazing news to show you about the vaccine mandates:

Breaking News: Biden Vaccine Mandate Suffers Major Legal Setback


Our Founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves seeing how any of this B.S. was even attempted!

And we have been sounding the alarm about this for about 9 months:

WATCH: UK Funeral Director John O’Looney States There’s an Alarming Rise in Deaths From Heart Attacks, Strokes & Common Cold; Says Jabs Are “Decimating Your Immune System”

Glad to see others now speaking out!

They are right, listen to them.

Protect yourself!

And we sadly also warned about this:

“Sudden Deaths” Begin to Emerge in 5-11 Age Bracket After EUA Granted For Experimental COVID-19 Injections

So horrible, I feel just terrible for these children who did NOT have a voice in this!

Any parents who did this to their kids should suffer an eternal consequence.

Just makes me sick to my stomach!

And is this turd the next guy out at CNN?

Looks like it:

CNN In Crisis Mode?: Jussie Smollett Testifies Don Lemon Texted Him Heads Up About Cops

More incredible news continues to surface about Ivermectin:

Shocking Excerpt From RFK Jr.’s New Book Exposes Big Pharma Pressure to Suppress Ivermectin

And on top of that, Dr. Zelenko’s brand new Z-Stack is red hot….

I’m not sure how much longer he will have this in stock, so if you want some, act now:

Dr. Zelenko Exposes How His Early COVID Treatments Were Sabotaged

I personally recommend having a few extra bottles on hand for your family.

I’m not messing around with my family, I can tell you that!

And then we have this crazy story:

List of Banned Words and Phrases Revealed From Epstein’s “House Manual”

Man, these people were SICK!

Good news to report next, even some far-left Libbies are starting to connect the dots on their own….


Trevor Noah Flips On Vaccines, Liberal Heads Explode

Great job Trevor, now keep it up and stop tarnishing my good name!

And we end with our top story:

MSM BLACKOUT: 291 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 167 Dead, After COVID Shot

We’ll continue to monitor this story and update as the number grows.

So sad to see.

Your friend,



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Let me know down in the comments if we missed any….

Oh and by the way, MyPillow makes the PERFECT Christmas Gift if you needed something for a family member.



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