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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/18/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and I’m back baby!

Last night our website was under attack and I tried and tried but could not send my Nightly Newsletter.

Tonight we’re back up and running thanks to a GENIUS webmaster who always has my back (thank you T!)

Now let’s jump right in…

Start with this:

Fox vs. Dominion Discovery: Docs Prove Employees Knew Machines ‘Riddled’ with Critical Bugs!

I just have one question:  was it “Bugs” or “intentional code”?

Intentional back-doors in the code?

Programmed to do exactly what it did?

Next up is a big OOPS moment as this pilot I guess either pushed the wrong button or forgot he was on the ground:

OOPS! Pilot Accidentally Turns On Chemtrail Sprayer While On The Ground

Chemtrails are real folks and we continue to expose them!

So toxic and hazardous to our health, it makes me sick!


Now on to something amazing…

Revival is here and it’s not stopping!

Not only that, it’s spreading:

Revival Is Spreading Beyond Asbury College!

Now to something very creepy and disappointing.

What do you make of this guy?

Tom Hanks Is Trending, And The Reason Is Super Creepy!

Heads up to a scam alert next….

I can’t believe I have to continue posting this but I was asked about it AGAIN today.

So I will again sound the alarm:

SCAM ALERT: The Truth Behind The “Trump” TRB Checks!

Please do not get scammed!

Next up is something truly interesting….

Your thoughts?

Counterfeit Of The Biblical “New Jerusalem” Already Planned?

Love this from Glenn Beck:

Glenn Beck: Do This RIGHT NOW To Prepare

And I can’t even believe Tucker got this on the air.

You gotta love Tucker!

Did Tucker Carlson Just Imply Michelle Obama Is A Man?

What do you think?

Is it Michelle….or Big Mike?

And we end with our top story:

Biden Gets Devastating News

Big day!

And I already have a lot in the pipeline for tomorrow.

So excited to show you everything so stay tuned!

And stay CONNECTED with us on Twitter.

Your friend,



We just blew past 10,000 followers on Twitter and we’re almost at 11,000!

Why does that matter?  

Because I’m SO excited to be connected to all of you where Free Speech is safe again!

So please make sure we’re connected here 👇



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