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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/5/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter…

We start off tonight with this:

WATCH: Biden Refuses Trump’s Demand To Debate Him “Now”

Why is Biden so scared?

Biden is even scared of a cush Superbowl TV interview:

Trump Offers To Replace “Crooked Joe Biden” In Super Bowl Interview; “RATINGS GOLD!”

Put Trump in there!

It will be epic!

This was big today:

BREAKING: King Charles Diagnosed With Life-Threatening Disease

And speaking of "King" Charles and his sausage fingers, it reminded me of this:

Is King Charles The Antichrist?

Meanwhile, the Democrats are busy securing the border of every single country EXCEPT ours:

INSANE: New “Border Security Bill” Secures Every Border Except Ours!

And heads up....I keep telling you a huge crash is right around the corner.

And they often start in other countries before hitting here.

China is in absolute freefall today on their stock market and Evergrande collapsed a couple days ago:

WATCH: Chinese Stocks In Free Fall Following President Trump’s Remarks

Yes, part of it is due to Trump's comments but the other part is just an unavoidable crash is coming and almost here.

Love this next one:

Texas Native Turns Vigilante – Accused of Killing Sex Offender

Hero or villain?

Should he go to prison or be given an award?

Big twist in the VP race:

Trump Reveals “Several Names” In Running For VP; Names Two Specifically

And we end with a story the Legacy Media is refusing to cover....

It's Maui all over again:

Chile Burned To The Ground: “It’s Maui All Over Again!”

That's all for tonight.

Your friend,



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