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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/9/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.

Another huge day, can’t wait to fill you in!

Starting with a summary of the Tucker/Putin interview in case you missed it or don’t have time to watch 2+ hours:

FULL SUMMARY Of The Tucker Carlson – Putin Interview

One thing I did find very interesting and thanks to a reader for pointing it out -- of all the ties Tucker could have chosen, why in the world would he choose Blue/Yellow Ukraine colors?


Also catching my attention is this question that many of you have emailed me about:

What Is The Red Wrist Band Tucker Always Wears?

And also this mystery, which I think I may have solved:

Why Did Putin Have An Earpiece Last Night For Translation But Not Tucker?

And now back to the interview....

The biggest stunner I thought (and you know it's the biggest because the Legacy Media refuses to even address it) was Putin saying Ukraine is full of NAZI's!

So I pulled together a bunch of our prior research and put it all right here:

A Stunning History Of “NAZI’s” In Ukraine

Now let's move on to some big wins for the big man:

Trump Wins U.S. Virgin Islands Caucus By Landslide!


Trump Takes The Win For Nevada’s Republican Caucuses

Those two wins, plus IA and NH have now made history:

Next up, make sure you watch my latest interview with Bo Polny before Sunday!

We spend 20 minutes talking football and the reason may surprise you!

Video and article here:

Then we have this beautiful endorsement which just came in:

David Mamet Endorses Trump: “Best President Since Lincoln!”

That guy wrote one of my favorite movies/plays of all time.

Absolutely legendary and one of Al Pacino's best roles.

Media Blackout (literally) on this next story, but we are proud to cover it!

Texans Quarterback CJ Stroud Responds To NBC’s Censorship Of His Comments About Jesus

And we end with this top story:

The Lung Study: “As Much Damage As Smoking A Pack A Day For 20 Years!”

Stay safe out there my friends!

I have to run, see you back here tomorrow...

Your friend,



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