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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/22/22

Hey everybody!
Noah here and I’m pumped up tonight!
Got so many great stories to show you, starting with one I’ve been working on for a few days.
I am really interested to get your thoughts on this:
Do You Know About The “Khazarian Mafia” …. the “Name Stealers”?
Leave a comment or send me a reply, I want to know what you think.
Have you heard of them before?
Does this suddenly make everything in our world make a ton of sense?
And then we have this bombshell:
NYC’s Elite Panic After DOJ “Inadvertently” Publishes List of 121 “Sex Cult” Clients
Next, I dare you to look at this photo and tell me these are not FOUR separate people:
Come on, man!
That’s not the same guy!
And then I have what may be the most jam-packed, prophetic message from a guy I respect a LOT….Charlie Shamp.
I don’t want to try and summarize it, you just need to listen (trust me):
Charlie Shamp: Something Will Be Exposed That Will Leave Many In Shock…
And new details are emerging about that Chinese plane crash and guess what?
It would be almost “impossible” for it to happen, they’re saying:
Why Did China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735 Suddenly Nosedive 29,000 Feet and Crash?
Foul play at work?
I wonder who was on that plane?
Then we have another big one:
COINCIDENCE? Hillary, Obama and Psaki Suddenly ALL Have COVID…
And now Klaus.
I think not.
How dumb do they think we are?
Next up I bring you a special warning and way you can protect your family.
So important right now (which is probably obvious after reading everything above):
And then we have this, which is truly troubling:
Washington School District Votes in Favor of Race-Based Discipline Policy
And remember when Bush41 said a “New World Order” was coming?
Man, that guy was demonic!
Well guess who just used that exact same phrase again?
Just a coincidence, I’m sure:
Biden Says There’s a “New World Order” Coming During Speech (VIDEO)
And we end with our top story…
Another big victory for President Trump, coming from the far-left 9th Circuit Court of Appeals of all places!
Even The Far-Left 9th Circuit Just Sided With President Trump!
I told you we had a lot tonight!
Whew, I’m tired!
Ok friends, I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Several more big things already in the works.
I’ll see you then.
Your friend,
Don’t forget to enter here completely for FREE if you want a chance to win $8,300 in gun gear…
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