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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/28/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and I have to admit something….I did NOT want to cover this today.

I have watched all the videos and covered this story all day long and I almost can’t take it anymore.

So sad.

So tragic.

Let’s be clear about one thing — no, it’s NOT about guns.

It’s about evil.

Pure and simple.

You want to “ban” evil?

Good luck.

Good guys with guns STOP evil and you’ll never successfully ban the bad guys from getting guns.

So let’s be clear on that.

But this story is tragic.

And there’s also something new tonight….is part of it faked?

A False Flag?

Oh my….

I don’t want to cover this, but I have to.

I’ll report, and you can decide.

Let’s start here, with the footage being released:

JUST IN: Police Release Surveillance Footage of Nashville School Shooter

And that leads into the story I don’t want to cover.

Because after the building surveillance video was released AND the police body-cam footage was released, people began pouring over the footage and they found something that does not add up.

The shoes are different.

Yes, you read that right.

It appears that the shooter’s shoes are different from the surveillance camera videos to the body-cam videos.

I don’t want to cover this, but I have to.

Decide for yourself:

Pumas Going In, Vans Going Out?

And then we have the most corrupt, most anti-Christ Administration in history, unable to confirm whether or not this was a Hate Crime:

Garland Can’t Confirm It Was A Hate Crime

This is the part that set me over the edge today:

Pastor’s Own Daughter Among Those Killed By Trans Shooter

I just can’t deal with it.

Let’s move on to something else….

How about this?

Joan Rivers Said Michelle Obama Was a Transgender?

Is that why she suddenly died?

And how about this creep?

REPORT: Bill Gates House + 6,000 Child Porno Images?

And this?

Bill Gates Brags About Ungodly Profit From Vaccines…

Just gets worse and worse with this guy….

This happened today….can you believe it?

We Just Got Attacked By Germany! [From Noah]

I do not know exactly what offended them so much, I can only guess!

And this guy made a huge mistake:

GOP Legislator Arrested!

Shifting to the (fake) Ukraine:

FAKE NEWS: Everything In Ukraine Is A Movie?

And we end with my favorite positive story of the day:

After A While, The Lion Has To Show The Jackals Who’s King…

Ok, that’s all for tonight.

Get some rest friends.

Your friend,



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