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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/30/22



Hey friends!

Noah here with an explosive Wednesday night Newsletter for you!

I am so excited to bring you our first article…the return of Bo Polny to my show!

I won’t waste time recapping it here, just read and watch right here:

Bo Polny Returns! The Final Trimester Is Nearly Over, God Wins! [Bitcoin Critical Moment]

Trust me, you don’t want to miss that!

And how about this?

Alabama AG Refuses To Say Biden Is Duly Elected

Love it, keep up the good work!

There are good men out there in government!

And even CNN is now admitting it:

CNN Finally Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop is “Very Real” and Investigation is Very Serious

Trying to save face and save their credibility?

Too little, too late.

I think CNN goes under.

But this is interesting that even they are throwing Hunter and Joe under the bus!

I loved this today:

And what do we have here?

CAUGHT: NIH Deleted COVID Sequencing from Database, New FOIA Documents Reveal

Hey, anyone actually SEEN Fraudci in the last 3 months?

Where is that guy?

In hiding?

Another big day from Matt Gaetz:

Matt Gaetz Introduces Legislation to Strip Security Clearance from Intel Officials Who Lied about Hunter Biden Laptop

And if you missed this from yesterday….oh my:

BREAKING: Matt Gaetz Just Entered Hunter Biden’s Laptop Into the Congressional Record!

And we end with our top story.

Very sad.

Who knows if it’s connected, but I do believe this is a side effect of the second dose of the poison jab:

Bruce Willis Steps Away from Acting Due to Aphasia, Loss of Ability to Speak & Understand Speech; Aphasia Linked to 2nd Dose of Covid Vaccine

Welcome to the party, pal.

What a disappointment.

Before I go, a quick reminder to follow + friend me on TruthSocial if you’ve gotten on.

Here’s what my profile looks like:

My handle is @WeLoveTrumpWLT.

That’s all for tonight.

Told ya it was a big day!

Your friend,



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