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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/5/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

And I haven’t done this much recently but I might start something new…

I’m kicking off the Newsletter tonight with a new favorite song on my playlist.


Now for the news…

I have about 5 stories too many tonight, but I’m not going to cut any.

You just get a bonus and we will have to go quicker than usual.

Starting here:

DNC Accused Of Rigging Primary For Biden

And who is this anyway?

RINO Governor Not Challenging Trump For Nomination

Never heard of her!

This is EXTREMELY troubling:

Ukrainian Pilots Training in the United States?

Have you figured out Ukraine yet?

It’s simply a money laundering operation designed to draw the USA into WW3 and weaken us for eventual takeover.

That’s it.

Oh, and it’s all fake.

At least all the reasons they give you are fake.

The money being laundered over there is real, but everything else is fake.

Next up is a real bummer…

This movie actually looks like it would be so much fun — if it weren’t ruined by wokeism:

Disney Goes Full Woke AGAIN With Peter Pan

Will you take your kids to go see it?

I love what Joe Rogan and Russell Brand say here…

This is a must watch:

Joe Rogan: “It’s F*cking Wild That We Follow Bill Gates’ Advice on Matters of Public Health!”

And speaking of this VIRUS (the virus that is Bill Gates) can you believe this?

He wasn’t able to jab you directly, so he’s just going to poison your food source:

WARNING: Bill Gates Wants Your Ribeye Steak To Have mRNA!

Any Star Trek fans out there?

You might find this really interesting:

Invisibility Cloak Already Created

And as always, if this is what they’re showing you, then you know they have MUCH more advanced stuff that you’ll never get to see.

This next one is my personal favorite story of the day.

Favorite because we are exposing a very dangerous lie.

And I really hope I can get some pastors to weigh in on this.

I know we have a lot of Pastors that read this Newsletter so please email me back or comment, I want to hear from you on this!


Have you seen this?

So cool:

Have You Seen The “WeThePeople” Bible?

This came out today and was VERY strange:

Why Does Bill Maher Think President Trump Will Send Him To GITMO?

And I say that as someone who actually likes Bill Maher.

Yeah, I said it.

I like Bill.

I of course don’t always agree with him, but I have always liked him.

But what the heck is this Bill?

Many of you have asked for President Trump’s full CPAC speech and I’ve got it right here:

President Trump’s 2023 CPAC Speech – FULL SPEECH

This is near the top of the list of his best ever.

At least in my opinion.

What did you think?

It’s Sunday and that means we check in with our good friend Pastor Robb.

And here is what Pastor Robb called “a whopper”….


Prepare: “Revival Comes!”

So many of you keep asking me these same questions about VuTV+ so I finally made a FAQ.

Here ya go!

VuTV+: Your Most Commonly Asked Questions, Answered!

And we end with our top story….

This should be front page news all over the country:

Kari Lake: “Someone Came To My Door and Tried To Bribe Me”

Just wow!

Tells you all you need to know…about “them” and about her.

I definitely love Kari Lake and I have long viewed her as the successor in almost every way to Donald Trump.

VP in 2024 and then President in 2028?

That’s my roadmap.

But we’ll talk more about that tomorrow.

For now I have to run!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 14,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇


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