Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/6/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.
Last night we had Super Tuesday and a lot of that spilled into this morning.
I almost brought you one of my rare Noon Newsletters because I had so much to show you, but ultimately I ran out of time.
So you get some extras tonight!
Starting with a few things I don’t want anyone to miss from yesterday, like this one: Trump won California!
That is huge!
And I think he wins it in the General Election too!
(I actually think he won it in 2020 too, and eventually that truth will come out)
Perhaps the biggest shock of the night was continuing the trend in exit polling that a Majority in some cases and Super Majority in other cases of voters don't believe Joe Biden won the 2020 Election!
WOW: Majority of Super Tuesday Voters Don’t Believe Biden Won 2020 Election
Thats stunning to me on a couple different levels....
First, the obvious. Those are HUGE numbers.
Second, why does the MSM keep asking this question?
You'd think after 75% of Iowans said they think Biden cheated in 2020 that the Legacy Media would stop asking that question.
But they're not.
White Hats in control?
Then we had this beauty....
I know it's not a big deal, but I don't think I can ever remember any other incumbent President losing in a primary?
The big story this morning is Nikki Haley FINALLY dropping out....and she did it with no grace and a little blashphemy:
Nikki Haley Drops Out, Refuses To Endorse Trump, Ends Speech With Sacrilegious Comments
President Trump responded:
Trump Responds To Nikki Haley Dropping Out 2024 Presidential Race
And you just have to laugh at this:
After President Trump Defeats ALL Challengers, Mitch McConnell Endorses Trump For President
Most people missed President Trump's victory speech, but I have it for you here:
This next one might be my favorite of the day:
Must See: Heartwarming Video Emerges Of Trump And His Young Granddaughter
And you gotta love this...
Bill Gates actually telling the truth:
Bill Gates: “I’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised If I End Up In Heaven…”
Speaking of the truth, take a look at this:
Top 7 SCARY TRUTHS The CDC Does NOT Want You To Know About Covid-19 “Vaccines” and “Boosters”
Another huge story of the day is crypto continuing to skyrocket.
Make sure you are up to speed on this:
Bitcoin Absolutely Skyrocketed Today….Here’s What Bo Polny Told Me Comes Next
The reason crypto is skyrocketing is likely due to this:
Bank of America, Wharton Business School Warn Of “U.S. Dollar DEATH SPIRAL Crisis”
And this:
Bank Runs Imminent? NYCB Trading Halted, Seeks Emergency $1 Billion In Funding [We Told You!]
That is a HUGE deal and a big problem.
That's a Top 30 US bank.
And I think it's going under very soon.
It won't stop there either, many more will go down with it, shortly after. It's called "contagion".
I'm not a financial advisor, I'm just a reporter, but it might be wise to look into gold?
And I want to end tonight with this:
Oh, one special request before I wrap this up....
We are currently at 29,912 Followers on Twitter and I would love to break into 30,000.
If we're not connected yet, would you please give us a Follow here?
I post breaking news on there all day long, so I think you'll really enjoy it.
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So let's stay connected!
Your friend,
Do you have one of these?
In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!
Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed
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