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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/8/22



Hey everybody!

Noah here with your Tuesday Night Newsletter!

Super excited to bring you this report tonight…

Starting with my good friend Charlie Shamp:

Charlie Shamp: How God Is STILL Speaking Through 45 (Second Term Incoming!)

And sticking with the prophets, an important message from Robin and Steve:

Important Announcement from Robin Bullock & Steve Shultz

Your thoughts?

Ok this next one is wild…

I have never heard of this guy before today and I already think he’s possibly MORE creepy than Klaus!

And that’s saying something!

Just read his quotes right here:

Who is Professor Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s Top Advisor?

Now let’s move to Obama…

I had several people email me asking if I could confirm this next story.

I researched it and it’s true:

SHADOW PRESIDENCY: Obama Explains How He’ll Serve His “Third Term”

Even Jen Psaki slipped up and admitted it:

Watch: Jen Psaki Says She Works For “President Obama”

We have been telling you about this next one for two weeks and today we were confirmed TRUE!

That’s why you stick with us for the truth!

Read it here:

Conspiracy Theory Confirmed? Biden Official Says U.S. Working with Ukraine to Prevent Biological Research Facilities From Falling Into Russian Hands (WATCH)

This next one is truly sick…

I’m not even going to comment on it, just read it here if you can stomach it:

DISGUSTING: Kentucky Summer Camp Teaches Children Masturbation and How to Have Sex While Using Drugs

Would you send your kids to that camp?

Note the part where this lady brags about being raised by witches in a coven!

Think witches aren’t real?

Demons and Evil and Witches are all real…

They’re not good, but they’re real.

The Bible makes it very clear and warns about Witchcraft!

We should stop making it seem like fun make-believe (Harry Potter) and expose it for what it is….Demonic Black Magik!

I’m just gonna say one thing: I am so proud of our readers and the comments they posted to this article:

And we end tonight with our top story of the week so far…

Think Zelenky is a “white hat”?

Think he’s just a good guy fighting an evil dictator?

Stop beLIEving the MSM narrative…

Here’s the truth:

Proof Zelensky Is “New World Order”

That’s a wrap for tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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