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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/9/22



Hey everybody!

Noah here…how are you?

This is one of those days where I couldn’t figure out what to cut so we have more than usual.

That ok with you?

Ok if I over-deliver?

We’ll move through it fast.

First up is an incredible new interview on X22 Report that had a ton of stuff I had never heard before.

I highly recommend it:

Clif High: The Quiet War of Devolution! And What’s Coming Next…

And then an interview with President Trump himself, which I promise is unlike any other Trump interview you have ever seen.

It’s really good:

Brand New WILD Interview With President Trump At Mar-A-Lago

Then we have something wild…

Could this possibly be true?

Is The U.S. Still Giving Foreign Aid to Russia?

Can you imagine the scandal if we are!!!

Let’s get this to break wide open!

After all, it was only two days ago that this was a big “conspiracy theory” for nutcases….except now it’s being reported on FoxNews as true:

Tucker Confirms LIVE On FoxNews: U.S. Biolabs In Ukraine Are REAL!

We were on it a week ago!

Nice to see FoxNews catch up to WeLoveTrump…

Just sayin’!

Next is a special announcement that you NEED to take seriously:

What To Do About Skyrocketing Food Prices? Start Here…

Thank me later, ok?

And it was such a big day this almost didn’t even get noticed:

Plane Carrying President Trump Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Engine FAILURE

Is Pfizer going to go Bankrupt?

I’m starting to see many signs…

Will this be another one of those stories we told you about here first?

Let’s watch and see:

WATCH: Naomi Wolf Says Pfizer Knew COVID-19 Jab Leaked Into Ovaries and Did NOT Prevent Transmission

And next is a real gem that I would encourage you is very worthy of your time.

God is real and this simply nails it:

God Is Real, Here’s The Proof! (James Perloff)

Next is a sad story…

Say it ain’t so Neon Deion!

The fastest man in the NFL probably isn’t so fast anymore with only 8 toes.

Deion, was the jab worth it?

Pro Football Hall of Famer Deion Sanders Reveals He Had Two Toes Amputated Due to Blood Clots

So sad.

He was one of my favorites.

A pure shut-down corner, back when the NFL was fun and watchable!

And what do we have here?

10,000 Texas Votes Uncovered Uncounted; County Elections Chief Resigns

Heads up on this, don’t miss out on getting your name entered.

Totally free:

VETS MADE FREEDOM GIVEAWAY! Free To Enter, $10,000 In Gun Prizes!

Then we have what may be my favorite story of the day.

Remember when Q said: “there will come a time when they can’t walk down the street”?

Think it looks anything like this?

NV Gov. Steve Sisolak Confronted In Public!

This was phenomenal and should be seen by everyone:

STEVE KlRSH: So You Saved (Maybe) 10,000 Lives With the Vaxx But You Killed 150,000!

So should this…

Back when people in the MSM did real, actual journalism:

ACTUAL JOURNALISM: Ben Swann Exposes The TRUTH About Pizzagate…Did You Know?

And we end with the Ukraine Bio-Labs story.

We were right all along.


Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led Efforts to Build a Ukraine-Based Biolab Handling “Especially Dangerous Pathogens”

And more here in our top story:

Russia Tells the U.S. “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons” (WATCH)

I told you it was a huge day!

Your friend,



Don’t forget to enter here completely for FREE if you want a chance to win $8,300 in gun gear…

Yes it’s real, and it’s spectacular:


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