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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/8/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and I gotta admit something….I am TIRED tonight!

Completely wiped!

But I never leave a job unfinished and after a huge day I can’t quit without capping it off with our Newsletter.

Let’s start with our lead story:

HILARIOUS: Elon Musk To Chuck Schumer, “Do You Want Us To Take This Down?”

Elon is the best right now…

Congress used to have the power of the office and the power of the MSM to create this “aura” around them.

That is gone.

It’s evaporated, thanks in large part to people like Elon, to Twitter, and to publications like WeLoveTrump that tell the truth!

No one is buying the Chuck Schumer horse shit anymore and that is REALLY bothering him!

This is troubling:

Hillary Clinton & Al Gore In 2024?

Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson are the two best remaining in the “MSM” in my opinion.

Which is why I loved this:

Glenn Beck Interview Tucker Carlson (FULL Interview): “They Saw It and Hid It!”

And then we go to Mike Lindell:

MyPillow 2.0 — Mike Lindell’s “NEW Temperature-Regulating Technology” For A Better Night’s Sleep

I got one and love it!

Actually a big improvement!

Do you have one yet?

Then we have yet ANOTHER train derailment:

Train Derails In West Virginia! Multiple Injuries, Fuel Tank Plunges Into River

Let me ask you this….in your entire life, how many train derailments with serious injury do you recall?




How about 10 in one month?


This next one was really fascinating to me:

Ben Shapiro Confronted By Jesus

Such a great interview!

And we end with our top story, back to Tucker:

WATCH: Tucker Shows Supercut of Media Panic Over Released J6 Footage

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 14,600 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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