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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/1/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter!

And I have to start here…

In case you missed it last night, we had a MAJOR announcement.

Details here:

Introducing…WLT Report! [From Noah]

So excited with all the feedback I’ve received already…

It looks like everyone agrees it was a great move!

And the design is pretty killer, right?

Next up, love seeing this:

Longtime Los Angeles Politician Finally Found Guilty Of Corruption

And this explains a lot:

Communism 101: The Court Is Trying To DISARM President Trump

We really no longer have a country the way this is going…

If you think this man is just gonna roll over and accept a “deal” you have NOT been paying attention:

WATCH: Trump Legal Team Responds To Plea Rumors

I love this next one….

And this is EXACTLY why we are the “WLT” Report!

WATCH: Supporters Gather Outside Mar-a-Lago, Chant “We Love Trump”

We’ve been all over this one for a long time…

Looks like it’s now going mainstream?

Ted Nugent Tells Kyle Rittenhouse Michelle Obama Is A MAN

And this is bad news for Braggs:

Manhattan DA Makes Stunning Admission

Speaking of Braggs, I had a Twitter question today that I opened up to all of you…

Exactly how FAT is this man?

Where do you place him on the spectrum?

My favorite reply was “Walrus Fat”, and I think that’s fair.

Speaking of Twitter, I also had this from today:


I think so.

Please continue to give my good friend Mike Lindell your support if you can….

Great patriot!

Check Out MyPillow’s “Clearance and Overstock Sale” – Up To 80% Off On 43 Items!

And we end with our top story:

Barry Wunsch: “I Saw President Trump Address The Nations”

Wow, that is so good!

And coming soon!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 19,300 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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