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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/11/22



Hey friends!

Noah here…Happy Monday to you!

We start off tonight with a special alert…Dr. Zelenko’s brand new “Z-DTox” is back in stock

All the details here:

Here’s How To REBUILD Your Immune System If You Took The Poison Jab (Dr. Zelenko)

And now for today’s news…

We start with one of the most bizarre stories you have seen in a long time:

Transgender Inmate Now Identifies as a Baby; Demands Diapers, Baby Food & Naps

Stunningly…that is a TRUE story.


We have lost our minds!

Or at least the Looney Left has.

Love seeing this though:

LA Firefighters Hold Defeat The Mandates Rally

Now THAT is what America is made of!

Way to go patriots!

And heads up, the “elites” are losing control quickly right now and they’re going to do everything they can to try and get it back.

Like this:

JUST IN: Philadelphia Reimposes Indoor Mask Mandate

Not gonna work, no way in Hell.

Not again.

And here’s why they’re so worried:

Rep. Jim Jordan Hints at Hunter Biden Indictment Could Be Coming, “Something is Up”

Their house of cards is collapsing on itself and they know it’s nearly over.

Tick Tock.

And now for a story we’ve covered the past two nights…

The story continues to develop and tonight we have the latest for you, now affecting our U.S. Marines:

U.S. Marines Stationed in Shanghai Struggling for Food Due to Destructive “Zero-COVID” Lockdown

I’ll just leave this next one here:

“ARREST BILL GATES!” Massive Protest Outside of TED Talk Where Bill Gates Will Present Keynote Speech (WATCH)

This next one was really something special and miraculous if you didn’t see it.

Watch here:

WATCH: Paralyzed Rep. Cawthorn STANDS To Deliver Remarks at Trump Rally

And we end with our top story:

Durham Appears To Be Closing In On Clinton

As I said…


Your friend,



After weeks of being sold out, these are finally back in stock!

Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

Grab one here while they last:



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