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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/11/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here, how are you?

I have to tell you, I am PUMPED UP tonight!

So many good things happening behind the scenes.

I’ll be telling you about more of that in the coming days, but trust me when I tell you today was a special day.

Now to the news….

And we start with the most beautiful First Lady we have ever had (definitely better than “Mike” eh?):

The Office of Melania Trump Issues Official Statement

And as promised, I have my brand new interview with Bo Polny.

You’re gonna love this one:

Bo Polny: We Are At Critical Mass, Death Of The Dollar Imminent! DO THIS NOW…

Make sure you are prepared!

Then we have this:

‘NAKED EDUCATION’ – TV Show In UK Has Adults Getting NUDE In Front Of Kids!

Your thoughts on that?

Seems very wrong to me.

And Twitter is officially gone.

Yes, it’s true.

We’ve been telling you about this for a long time, but is coming and to my friends in the XRP Army….I do believe “XRP” may be at play here:

Twitter ‘No Longer Exists,’ Details Here!

Then we have something very disturbing….

Do you buy brand name spices?

If so, you may literally be eating Rat Poison:

BREAKING: New Study Shows “Rat Poison” Found In Major Brand Name Spices!

Not sure how I feel about this next one….

Would you support this?

Roger Stone Floats Democrat as Potential Trump VP Pick

And this is probably just a big coincidence I’m sure:

Photo Emerges of Dalai Lama With Democrat Mayor Charged With Child Pornography

And then we end with two more massive explosions….

Only in Joe Biden’s America.

Controlled demolition.

First here:

Massive Explosion at Texas Dairy Farm

They are definitely attacking the dairy and the meat.

No doubt about that.

And just a few hours ago, this happened:

BREAKING: Thousands Told to Evacuate; Fire Could “Burn For Days” After Massive New Explosion!

So sad what’s happening to our country!

That’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 19,300 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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