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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/11/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

Gotta start with this gem:

Black Caucus Pushes To Rename Francis Scott Key Bridge, They Say “It’s Racist!”

Yes folks, the man who wrote the Star Spangled racist.

Have we all had enough of this already?

This is total nonsense and it has to stop!

And to everyone who said Melania was no where to be found and wouldn't be part of the 2024 campaign, you would be dead wrong:

Melania Was Key To Recent Fundraiser Success: “She’s Ready To Be First Lady Again”

The biggest news of the day was OJ Simpson dead at 76:

BREAKING: OJ Simpson Dead At 76

I had to commemorate it the only way I knew how:

The Best Way I Know How To Commemorate OJ Simpson’s Death

Big Public Service Announcement next:

WARNING: Here’s Why You Should NEVER Say ‘Yes’ When A Caller Asks “Can You Hear Me Now?”

Make sure you read that, it might save you a lot of heartache!

I find this next one very interesting:

[WATCH] Joe Biden Says We’re “Considering” Dropping Prosecution Against Julian Assange

Not quite sure what to make of that yet.

And I had to retell a very interesting story today....

I will never forget this:

Here’s What Happened When a Billionaire Called Me One Saturday Morning…

This is very interesting and while I don't follow evil stuff like this, I also don't discount that the evil spirits have much power in this world:

Secret Society Illuminati card game PREDICTED 9/11 terror attack, Donald Trump, Covid-19 and the “Insurrection” riot at the Washington DC Capitol building

Heads up to all parents on this next one:

Consumer Reports Says Lunchables Contain Troubling Levels Of Lead And Sodium, Petitions USDA To Remove Item From School Cafeterias

No thanks to Mike Johnson, but a big thanks to these 19 patriotic Republicans:

Here Are the 19 Republicans Who Voted DOWN Mike Johnson’s FISA Spy Program Renewal Bill

It's a small group of people we can trust, but we pretty much know where the lines are drawn at this point.

And we end with my latest interview with Bo Polny....

Don't miss this:

That's a wrap!

Your friend,



Is this your life?

Look familiar?

Time to change!

The owner of THIS company just set a world record for rowing while in his 70s because of his awesome vitamins!!

That's why I'm on this Mission and pushing this Movement forward!




Life....and life to the full!

I love our Movement because we are definitely in this thing together!

Let's "BUDLIGHT" every Deep State company we possibly can! if you want in!

Sun's out, gun's out!


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