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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/12/22



Hey friends!

Noah here with your Tuesday Newsletter…

Hope you are doing great.

We have some really big things were working on that I am so excited to tell you about.

More on those in a couple days.

You’re gonna love it…WeLoveTrump is growing and that means you get more!

Hey, don’t worry, we’ll keep our fees the same — as always, completely F-R-E-E ! 😁

Ok, now let’s hit today’s news…

First up we have a great report on Biden and how he is (intentionally?) trying to destroy America and the U.S dollar…

And most importantly, what you can do to prepare and be safe:

Biden Intentionally Destroying The U.S. Dollar? Here’s What You Can Do To Be Safe…

Then we have the top breaking story of the day.

Chaos in New York as a shooter hit the subway.

There’s a lot we don’t know yet, but here’s what we do know…

This comes a day or two before Biden is set to announce a historic (and highly unconstitutional) new Executive Order to seize our guns.

Guess they needed a good narrative, huh?

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

And the unpublished part two of that quote: “Create the crisis yourself if you have to.”

Oh, did I mention the security cameras in that part of the subway suddenly stopped working right before the shooting?

You buying that?

Do we have a False Flag on our hands?

Read here:

Subway Shooter On Loose In New York, 16 Injured, (FF?)

And you gotta love this next one (at least if it weren’t so detrimental to our country):

Middle East Won’t Return Biden’s Phone Calls

And for all the people who say “nothing is happening”, we have this:

New York Lt. Gov. Arrested!

The entire world is now openly mocking Joe and the Ho:

WATCH: Saudi TV Skit Openly Mocks Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

From Dr. Zelenko:

Here’s How To REBUILD Your Immune System If You Took The Poison Jab (Dr. Zelenko)

And we end with a story I ran several months ago, but I had to run again today because I still get emails every week asking why I no longer cover Hank Kunneman.

So here is the answer:

Why Did I Stop Following Hank Kunneman?

And for everyone saying I should “take this up with him in private”, allow me to address that.

One person even told me I should call Hank.

First of all, I don’t have his contact information.

Second, I have made it very public that I would LOVE to talk with him, and made several offers to talk either on my show or privately.

Radio silence.

And I know he’s seen them.

Last, I have several sources who tell me Hank has been approached multiple times about this issue by other people and he refuses to even acknowledge it, let alone correct the record or admit that what Flynn did was demonic and very damaging to the people who attended Hank’s conference.

So with all due respect to everyone who says I need to talk with Hank privately, well….see above.

I will say this as I wrap up: I have no ill-will towards Hank.

I used to love covering him and listening to him.

It was disappointing to me most of all people to have to stop covering him, but I could no longer justify it.

I would be happier than anyone if Hank would come on my show and address what happened here in a way that resolved the issue and allowed us to start covering him again.

Until then, my conscience (and the Holy Spirit) tell me I am not released to cover him.

So I won’t.

I hope that clears things up for all who have been asking and continue to ask.

Your friend,



After weeks of being sold out, these are finally back in stock!

Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

Grab one here while they last:



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