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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/16/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and we might set a record today.

I’ve been working nonstop and I can’t justify cutting any of these reports from tonight’s Newsletter.

So you get extra!

Also, major announcements coming soon (probably tomorrow) about a massive expansion of my new Mission I launched in February.

It’s wild.

Ok, now let’s jump in to today’s news, starting with this:

Buffett In Talks With U.S. Gov’t To Bail Out The Banks…Again?

Oh my, that’s not a good sign.

Whenever Uncle Warren has to come in and bail out the banks, it means we’re in deep trouble!

But I’ve been warning you about this for about 4 weeks now.

This too, probably related:

WARNING: U.S. Govt. Docket No. OP–1670 Gives FED Power to Seize Control of U.S. Bank Accounts!

And here’s even the MSM now admitting what we’ve been telling you.

As always, we tell you the truth long in advance:

MSM: Worldwide Bank Run of the United States of America…Happening Right Now!

Speaking of truth, here’s a Fact Check:

FACT CHECK: Has Ron DeSantis Officially Filed to Run For President? With VP Pick?

We don’t run stories until we have the confirmation.

And this is why.

Next up is very disturbing…

This is what they’ve truly wanted all along (and it’s sick):

UN Report Calls for Decriminalization of Sex Between Adults and Minors

You gotta love this next one…

If you need a Bud Light replacement,  look no further:

Meet The ONLY Top 10 Beer Boycotted For Supporting Trump!

And speaking of All American, you gotta love this from Kid Rock:

Kid Rock LOVES MyPillow!

Since it’s Sunday, I bring you a wonderful Gospel message.

And since I missed last week this is a Double Header:

GOSPEL MESSAGE: The Refiner’s Fire

Then we have creepy Bill Gates at it again.

Speaking of us bringing you the news in advance, we were on this one two weeks ago.

Now confirmed:

FACT CHECK: Is The mRNA Already In Our Food Supply?

And here’s a new one for you.

Have you heard of Operation Sandman?

Details here:

Have You Heard About “Operation Sandman”?

Gotta love this next one.

No, you’re not dumb, math is just “racist”….is that it?


So Math Is Racist Now?

And we end with our top story, which comes with a major warning.


BREAKING: Former Indian MP Shot Dead On Live TV

Told you it was a huge day!

I’d love to hear from you, let me know what you think about everyhing.

And I will see you back here tomorrow!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 19,300 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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