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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/17/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with another very big day for you!

Check this out:

Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Suggests Some 9/11 Hijackers Were Possibly CIA Assets, Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Agency of Obstructing Investigations

And then we have this:

ATTORNEY: “We’ve Confirmed This mRNA Stuff Is ALREADY In The Food Supply”

Everything I’ve been telling you for the past month is being confirmed true!

This next one is extremely gross:

Middle School “Licking Game” With Teachers Isn’t Grooming, School Says

How is this even legal?

Then you gotta see this….

Real Housewives Star Announces Transgender Child

So she has one Lesbian kid, one Bisexual and now one Transgender?

What are the odds?


You fill in the blank.

And you gotta love this:

Former Democrat Rising Star Now Facing 25 Years In Prison

I guess things are going downhill for him very fast!

This next one is fascinating:

Trump Releases Prediction from Nixon

And I published this one very late last night after someone emailed me saying they were scammed out of there hard earned money.

I can’t believe this keeps happening.

I have now published this warning EIGHT times and people still keep getting scammed.

I’m not mad at you, I just feel so bad they keep scamming people.

So please help me get the word out:

SCAM ALERT: Please Do Not Get Conned By The “TRB Checks”


I do believe we should have the death penalty for anyone who scams people out of their money, especially people who don’t have much left to begin with.

This is despicable!

Spread the word!

And speaking of money….I don’t do scams here.

Of course you know that.

But not only do I NOT do scams, but I’ve been helping people earn money since February.

It’s all part of my new Mission.

I need a lot of workers for my new mission and I’ve gradually been hiring.

I started off with 15-20 people back in February and now I’m currently up to 100!

But here’s he deal….I need a lot more.

So I’m putting out the call again for help!

If you’ve recently been laid off or if you need a second income, I may be able to help.

Read this right now:

Massive New Call For Help, Don’t Read Unless You’re Serious! [From Noah]

Don’t delay, I can only take the first 300 people!

I hope to see YOU there!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 19,300 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇


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