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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/18/22



Hey friends!

Noah here and happy Monday to you!

Everyone have a good day back to work?

A lot happened today and I’ve got the full update for you.

Starting with something very troubling:

Engineered Food Supply Collapse? Union Pacific Railroad Restricting Rail Shipments of Nitrogen Based Fertilizer During Spring Planting

They aren’t even hiding it very well anymore…

They are doing everything they can to CRIPPLE us and STARVE us.

Very scary.

And this is incredible out of Florida:

Florida REJECTS 41% of Math Textbooks for Attempting to ‘Indoctrinate Students’

Great work by the Sunshine State and Gov. DeSantis!

And this is a clip you have to see to believe:

ELDER ABUSE: Joe Biden Not Trusted To Read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”

My kids had “Brown Bear” memorized page-by-page by the time they were 4 years old…

Unfortunately, the “Resident” is not quite as sharp.

And next is the best video you’ll see all day:

Pittsburg Protestor v Officer: Round 1 Goes to Officer


Down goes Frazier!

And I don’t think this is quite what they meant by “Austin Weird”:

Parent Dressed as Easter Bunny Passes Out Condoms at Austin Elementary School

Really sick people out there…

Fantastic news to pass along next:

BREAKING: Federal Judge Voids Mask Mandate on Airplanes and Public Transportation

We can all breathe OXYGEN again when we fly!

Imagine that, what a concept!

Never should have happened in the first place, but at least it’s finally gone.

Next up is Alex Jones:

Three of Alex Jones’ Companies Filed For Bankruptcy Protections

Very strategic.

And speaking of flying, can you believe this?

Ilhan Omar Mocked for Her Hateful Response to a Video of Christians Singing Gospel Music on a Plane

If she hates it so much here, why is she still here?

I would love to pay for her plane ticket back to Somalia….

Who’s with me?

And we end with a real “bombshell” report and I never use that word lightly:

CIA Reveals The Sussman Data Was “User Created”

It looks like the frame-job has now been confirmed.

Now when do we start the arrests and executions for treason?

Your friend,



After weeks of being sold out, these are finally back in stock!

Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

Grab one here while they last:



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