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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/2/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

Before we start tonight, I have to let you know about our other site,

I know many of you love that site (so do I) and how frustrated you have been the last two days with it down (so am I).

So I wanted to give you an update….

If you go there right now you’ll see this:

That’s how it’s looked for two days now.

I was hopeful we could get it fixed quickly, but it’s proving much more difficult.

I hope to have it rebuilt soon, but this was a bad one.

Anyway, for those who keep asking, that’s the update.  And thanks for checking in about it, I’m sorry it is down.

Ok, now let’s talk some Women’s Basketball…..

Not something I cover much around here, but we have to talk about what happened last night:

LSU Dominated by Iowa After Walking Off Court During National Anthem

Congrats to Iowa....

And I'm glad LSU lost after disrespecting our Anthem like that.

But then it got worse....

Instead of apologizing or explaining why, the LSU head coach basically said this:

LSU Head Coach Doubles Down: It’s Ok We Skipped The National Anthem Because We ALWAYS Skip It!


That's one of the all time bad answers coach!

Speaking of "Women's Basketball" have you seen this next one?

Actually, I should say have you *heard* this?

In Honor Of Women’s Basketball, Have You Seen This?


You really trying to tell me that's not a dude?

Next is another warning about the banks and the banking system....

Don't wait until it's too late:

NEXT UP? U.S. Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals

And then we have this beauty....

The Bird Flu, via YOU!

Texas Reports First Case Of Avian Flu In Human, Reportedly From Infected Dairy Cattle

What will they think of next?

This next one is for parents and grandparents....

Heads up about this:

Public Service Announcement: JoJo Siwa Is Now a “Provocative Lesbian”

Then we have Meg Kelly and Ben Shapiro:

Megyn Kelly To Ben Shapiro: Do You Support Free Speech Only When It’s Not Related To Israel?

Your thoughts on Ben?

Make sure you read this next one:

Millions at risk if Trump’s statement is True??!

And we end with our top story:

Trump Attorneys Make BIG Legal Move That Could Pause Whole NY Case

That's a wrap for tonight!

Your friend,



Do you know anyone who is sick right now?

I know a ton of people!

May I suggest you grab some Ivermectin stat?

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed




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