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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/25/22



Hey friends!

Noah here and boy oh boy do I have a wild Newsletter for you tonight…

We start with Elon Musk, who has dominated the news for the past two weeks and today he did it, he sealed the deal:

Elon Musk Officially Buys Twitter

Really incredible, even for him.

It’s a done deal folks, wow did that go fast!

And now things get fun.

Now we see where all the bodies are buried?

Speaking of fun, if you have followed Q, you might remember Q Drop #55…I know I do.

Suddenly, from all the way back in 2017, it’s relevant now today.

I explain here:

Q Post 55: “Look To Twitter”

And if you’ve been missed Jesse Watters, here’s where he’s been:

Jesse Watters Back On TV After Hiatus: “I Had The Same Ambulance Driver As Epstein!”


And from weird we move to sick:

SICK: Justin Trudeau’s Message For 4-Year Olds…

Man, I can’t stand this creep!

And from weird and sick we move to poison…as in, literally spraying poison in the skies above you.

Look up:

LOOK UP: Chemtrails Explained…(And Exposed)

Really scary one next…

PLEASE think long and hard before you ever let any hospital give this to your kids:

FDA Approves Remdesivir for Young Children

And here’s the next step in their evil plan:

‘Operation Thermostat’: Italy to Begin Rationing Electricity to ‘Support Ukraine’

Speaking of evil, I think this qualifies:

Alaskan Governmental Meeting Opened With Satanic Prayer To “Invoke Satan”

Great news out from Kash Patel, who says Durham does not have any problem with Statutes of Limitations.

That’s great news, and I know several of you have emailed me about that in the past.

Here’s why:

WATCH Kash Patel: John Durham Has Shut Down The Statute Of Limitations Argument

And in light of everything continuing to break in Ukraine and continuing to see every celebrity and politician (and church!) tell us how we just HAVE TO support Ukraine, I thought I would share my take on what’s going on.

I of course want to help anyone caught in the middle of this, but I don’t believe the official narrative for one second.

How about you?

My take:

The Truth About What Is REALLY Happening In Russia/UKRAINE…

Wow, that was a lot.

Hope you enjoyed everything!

Your friend,



After weeks of being sold out, these are finally back in stock!

Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

Grab one here while they last:



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