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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/25/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

We start tonight with news that just broke a few minutes ago….it looks like “King” Charles is not long for this world:

BREAKING: King Charles “Very Unwell”, Funeral Currently Being Planned

Which is crazy because it was only a few hours earlier today that I covered this and said it was hard to miss that the bloody Royal white horse running through London seemed like a sign to my uneducated eye:

UK: Blood Red Horse and Big Ben Suddenly Stops Working

I have to Charles already dead?

Will we get the announcement any day now?

It feels imminent to me.

Crazy how fast that story moved.

On a similar note, this is moving very fast as well.

It was only 10 days ago that I brought you this report:

WARNING: U.S. Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals

Now today this happened:

Thousands DENIED Access To Bank Withdrawals In Australia

It's incredible how spot on our reporting has been!

We're sometimes early but we're not too often wrong.

Not perfect, but we take our job very seriously and we tend to get it right most of the time.

I take this very seriously and it's such an honor to serve you.

I don't care about being "right" but I do care about bringing you the best possible service we can bring, and it looks like we're hitting it out of the park.

Then we go to New York for a HUGE day....

It started with this:

“We Love Trump” Chants Breakout As President Trump Visits Construction Site



Gee, that sounds like a great name for a website!  (wink, wink)

Then we had this:

IN PLAY: Donald Trump Is Going To Win New York!

And then a bunch of construction workers started speaking out and it was incredible!

Message To Joe Biden: “Give It Up!”

Ok, then we go to something absolutely classless and baseless....

I can't even believe I am covering this:

CLASSLESS: Wanda Sykes Claims Trump “Farting In The Courtroom”

Really, Wanda?

That's really what you want to say?  With no evidence?

How absolutely classless and stupid.

But I'll tell you one thing....I can only imagine how bad her farts must smell.

I mean, really....between Wanda Sykes and Whoopi Goldberg, who do you think has the worst smelling gas?

I think it has to be Whoopi, but Wanda is not far behind.


Ok, moving on....

From something gross and disgusting we go to something even MORE gross and disgusting:

Prince Harry’s Charity Faces Horrific Allegations

Wow, I sure hope that's not true.

I also wish this weren't true, but this video is real and unedited:

Kenneth Copeland’s Blasphemous View of the Lord’s Supper EXPOSED

This is NOT a good preacher....

Sorry to anyone who likes him but this is very, very wrong!

I have to speak the truth wherever I find it, and I cannot try to make the case that this is ok.

It's far from ok.

Update next from Dr. Peter McCullough:

How To Get the Critical Medications Recommended By Dr. Peter McCullough

And we end with our top story....

What in the world is going on here?

JUST IN: Kamala Harris’ Secret Service Officer LOSES IT, Attacks Fellow Agent

That's a wrap for tonight!

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Your friend,



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