Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/4/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.
I have to move fast tonight, we’re late and I have a lot to show you.
Before we hit the news, last night I brought you this fun new challenge:
In the years since this test was developed, few people have been able to solve more than half….
Who can get all 24 of these without cheating by using Google or AI?
First person to get all 24 wins a prize!
— (@DailyNoahNews) April 3, 2024
And today we have a winner:
A/ 26=Letters of the Alphabet
B/ 7=Wonders of the Ancient World
C/1001 = Arabian Nights
D/ 12=Signs of the Zodiac
E/54=Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)
F/9=Planets in the Solar System
G/88=Piano Keys
H/13=Stripes on the American Flag— lambertr0x (@lambertr0xx) April 4, 2024
A BIG congrats to @lambertr0xx on Twitter for solving all 24 of them! WOW!
Ok, now on with the news….
Starting with this beauty:
Kari Lake Raises Stunning $1 Million At Mar-A-Lago Fundraiser
Always thought she'd make the perfect VP....
Then we have this:
I keep telling you the big brands want to poison and kill you.
And that's not an exaggeration.
Sadly this is just the latest example of many. Dozens. Hundreds!
Why do you suppose they keep doing this?
Those toxic chemicals just end up in there by accident?
Of course not.
Be sure to read that article for info on how you can get your kids Bandaids that won't kill them.
What a concept!
Another medical article next, this is pretty incredible:
The Future of Medicine – First Pig Kidney Transplant a Success
And this is really strange, have you seen this?
If you have AT&T, you need to read this:
AT&T Has Massive Data Breach Affecting 73 Million Customers, Current and Previous
Speaking of poisoning us, if they can't do it through Bandaids, they'll do it through our food:
So sick of this stuff!
It's why I started my new Mission one year ago.
Update here:
Can You Join Me On Tuesday? It’s Going To Be Big! [From NOAH]
Then we have one that I'm sure will be very controversial, but I'm publishing this anyway.
Let me know what you think:
Derek Johnson Explains: “The Meaning Of A Military Occupation, Trump As Commander In Chief”
Next up, I keep telling you about Gold....
Now you see why:
And a big one here:
HIDDEN from public: Study identifies issues with mRNA vaccines “that could have fatal consequences”
Next is truly amazing they caught this all on video....
Unfortunately, one woman lost her life:
TRAGIC: Elephant Charges At 25 MPH, Kills American Tourist (VIDEO)
And we end with our top story:
“Praying Grandmother” Found Guilty By DC Jury — Faces 6-Figure Fines and Jail Time
Sorry folks, but I've had enough!
Not even close!
She walked around the Capitol Building and was praying?
Walking INTO the Capitol Building to pray?
That's it?
100% nonviolent.
Walked INTO the Capitol Building and Prayed? And that's a crime?
That's when you know you are being governed by criminals.
It does NOT belong to the politicians.
Not longer than 200 years ago in France, they would have sent any politician that acted like this to the guillotine (we would never do that)....but now here we are in the supposed "freest country in the world" and we are sending praying Grandmothers to prison for praying at their Capitol building.
This might just be the last straw, can you think of anything worse?
America truly has fallen.....destroyed from the inside.
Your friend,
You gotta check this out...pure genius!
Can you think of a few places you might want to use this in your house?
The best part is the price will surprise you (in a good way).
See it here
Grab one for 50% off (while they last)
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