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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 4/5/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter and oh my do I have a lot to show you tonight!
We start with a fun one from Kid Rock:
Then we go back to a happier time with my man Bob Ross:
This next one is just evil on so many levels…
My blood is still boiling on this one:
She is going to face a very rough Judgment Day, that’s all I can say.
Then we have a RED ALERT….
Get ready folks, they gave up trying to jab your arm, so they’re just going to get in through your stomach instead:
Get Read To EAT Your Vaccines…Major Changes Coming This Month!
Next is something really fascinating and terrifying all at the same time.
It might just be me, but I’m fascinated by Gators.
And the Floridians who live with them on a daily basis.
How do you people live with these giant reptiles walking around all over the place that could EAT YOU at any given moment?
Moving on, big news next:
And then we had this next one….
Very tragic but not at all surprising.
They have ruined such a once-beautiful state:
Next here comes MORE lawsuits:
BREAKING: 2nd ‘Hush Money’ Payment Being Examined By Manhattan Grand Jury
Gotta love this one:
And we end with two big warnings….
I’ve been warning you for months.
Now President Trump himself just said it:
TRUMP: “Our Currency Is Crashing And Will Soon No Longer Be The World Standard…”
And Tucker’s lead story tonight was explaining what it all means:
Tucker Carlson: The Dollar Is Finished! It’s About To Get VERY Bad….
Folks, do not sleep on this.
This will be the most important thing you live through in your life, and it’s about to get VERY ugly!
Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
And make sure you take action to protect yourself and your family.
I have action steps in those articles.
The life you save might just be yours….and your family’s.
See you back here tomorrow!
Your friend,
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Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 19,300 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
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