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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/1/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with an explosive Monday Newsletter.

Let’s get right into it….

Starting with my new favorite thing.

This guy is my new hero, so brilliant and I wish I thought of it.

You have to see this:

Have You Heard Of A “First Amendment Audit”?

Then we have this.

Remember this?

Or maybe it’s the first time you’ve seen it:

Was Anne Heche Murdered?

This also caught my attention today.

So much in here, I only knew probably half of it:

EPIC THREAD: Guardians of the Pedophiles

Big warning next….

Another Bank failed today.

Did you know that?

And THIS is what comes next:

SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Govt. Docket No. OP–1670 Gives FED Power to Seize Control of U.S. Bank Accounts!

Make sure you are ready and safe!

I found this very interesting:

New Group Takes Credit For Tucker Carlson’s Firing


And a big thank you to a friend for sending me this:

Wow…based on her own words!

This is troubling:

President Trump’s Legal Team Gets Bad News

And for YEARS we have told you Obama created ISIS.

Created and grew ISIS.

Or “ISIL” as he liked to call it.

And now?

Now a Court has confirmed it….and ordered him to pay big:

Obama Ordered To Pay $313 Million For “Creation Of ISIS”

Oh, I know he will never pay it, but this is confirmation.

This man is EVIL.

And we end with our top story….

You didn’t think this was over, did you?


The Sequel: Brand New Brunson Brothers Case Docketed At SCOTUS!

Keep up the good battle Brunsons, you are amazing people!

That’s all for tonight.

Told ya it was a big day!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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