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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/10/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and Happy Wednesday to you!

Such a busy day.

I had Bo Polny back on my show, the Daily Truth Report…

We had Trump on CNN (absolutely EPIC!)…

And a lot more!

Let’s start with Trump on CNN, because I’m just loving this.

This was Trump at his best, it felt like many of those historic debate moments from 2015/2016 all over again.

Here’s a brief idea of what’s Trending right now:


Basically, Trump now owns CNN.

And this lady exposed herself as a vile human being.

The crowd even gave Trump a standing ovation:

Trump Receives Standing Ovation At CNN’s Town Hall

I’ll have MUCH more on this tomorrow….

So much to break down!

It was truly great, didn’t you think?

Then we finally have our answer on RFK Jr:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Addresses Potential Trump-RFK Ticket

Oh!  This also happened today:

Waiting For A Sign? This Is Happening TONIGHT!

I’m so sorry to everyone who missed it, we had about 200 people on the Zoom and we probably had to turn away 50 people who came too late.

If you missed it, you can message me and get on a wait list in case we ever do it again.

But wow, was it awesome!

And what is happening here?

Who is really in control?

Biden Restores Trump’s Border Policy Despite Previously Calling it “Inhumane”

Gotta love this:

Georgia Football DECLINES Biden’s White House Invitation

And we end with my explosive new interview with Bo Polny.


Bo Polny: It’s The End Of The Dollar As We Know It (and I Feel Fine…)

Ok, that’s all for tonight.

Whew, I’m tired!

See you all back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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