Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/12/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter….and Happy Mother’s Day to everyone!
I would be remiss if I didn’t start this Newsletter off with a very special Happy Mother’s Day to two special people…..MY mother and MY wife, right?
Yeah, that’s all fine and good, but what I really want to do is wish a special Mother’s Day to Mayor Pete Buttigieg!
Happy Mother’s Day Pete!
— (@DailyNoahNews) May 12, 2024
Congrats Pete, your family must be so proud.
Ok, moving on…..before we hit the news I have one more special announcement tonight and it’s important.
We’re doing a little migration behind the scenes for this Newsletter, nothing you need to be worried about.
It’s been a LOT of hard work and quite frankly very costly for us, but that’s ok and we’re near the end!
The migration will go live in about a week, and you won’t really notice a thing except I need your help with one thing.
I *THINK* we will migrate everyone over to the new platform just fine, but I’m not taking any chances.
If you enjoy receiving this Newsletter each night, I need you to do one thing please to make sure you stay on our list.
Please TAP HERE and add your email address in to make sure you end up on our new email list.
Here’s that link again right here:
As I said, I think you’ll be migrated over automatically, but I always like to do things with a “belt and suspenders” approach to make sure we don’t miss anything.
So even if you’ve been receiving this Newsletter for 10 years without problems, please tap that link and add in your best email address to make sure you “make the cut” in a week with the migration goes live.
Ok, cool — thank you!!
Also, if you’ve ever wanted to add a new email or a second email or a add a family member, you can use that link to do just that.
Now on with the news!
We start with Jerry Seinfeld getting cancelled:
Duke Graduating Class Stages Walkout During Jerry Seinfeld’s Commencement Address
This is no longer about "pro-Hamas"....this is about anti-Israel and being anti-semitic.
You're cancelling Jerry freaking Seinfeld?
For what reason?
This will not end well.
And sticking with bad things happening to Hollywood celebs, this also happened today:
Developing: Actor Steve Buscemi Brutally Assaulted In Random Act Of NYC Violence
And now some updates on President Trump's record-setting Rally last night in New Jersey.
First this:
Massive Lines At Trump’s Rally New Jersey, Stretched From Beach To Parking Lot!
Then this:
‘Total Moron’: Trump Tells Massive NJ Crowd ‘Whole World Is Laughing’ At Biden
And now for the final's so big they don't know for sure, but the best estimates I have seen all place it between 80-100,000 people!
I think it's the biggest Rally he has ever had, even counting all of 2015/2016:
WATCH: President Trump’s MASSIVE Rally — 100,000 Supporters!
They're even saying it rivals Franklin D. Roosevelt's historic 1032 speech at Sea Girt which drew over 100,000:
NEW REPORT: Wildwood officials estimate that between 80,000 and 100,000 people attended Trump's rally in New Jersey.
The rally size competed with Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1932 speech in Sea Girt which reportedly drew over 100,000 people.
Some people were spotted camping out…
— (@DailyNoahNews) May 13, 2024
We also got this:
Did President Trump Drop Major Clues About VP Pick At Tonight’s Rally?
And this:
NFL Hall Of Famer Reveals That Trump Convinced Him To Leave The Democratic Party
Great idea to stay safe here:
NEW: Chief Medical Board of The Wellness Company Adds Tamiflu to Contagion Kit to Combat Bird Flu
And this is going a shame if you shared it around:
Another "Died Suddenly":
In two days, I'm hosting a huge party online....
I'm hoping you can join me?
Can You Join Me On Tuesday? It’s Going To Be Big! [From NOAH]
I absolutely LOVED this today....
Elon is 100% spot on:
And we end with our top story:
BOMBSHELL: Bill Maher Shares Footage PROVING Stormy Contradicted Testimony
Wow, what a day....I'm exhausted!
See you tomorrow.
Your friend,
I don't know about you, but I have several people in my family who suffer from headaches.
We have heating pads and ice packs galore, but they never seem to really help.
That's why I got one of these and it's been a LIFE SAVER for our family!
It's called the Harmony Gel Cap:
Hot and cold....
Full 360 degree coverage...
Totally drug-free relief....
One size fits all...
They've been selling out a lot, but you can check to see if it's in stock here:
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