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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 5/13/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with one of my rare Noon email updates.

I’m sending this for a couple of reasons….

First because I have a few breaking reports I’d like you to see now instead of having to wait until this evening.

But the other reason is because I’m doing a test run with my new email company.

I mentioned last night we’d be doing a full migration (mostly all behind the scenes) in about a week, but it’s always wise to do a few tests before the big launch.

So that’s what this is.

Please do me a favor and shoot me a quick reply if you receive this, that will let me know the first test worked ok.

Ok, now on with the news and I have three updates for you.

First, we have clarification about the Seinfeld Graduation Speech and what really happened:

Jerry Seinfeld’s Wife Just Set The Record Straight After Duke University Graduation Walkout

I think Jerry is great, glad to see this additional information

Also, is it just me or is he starting to kind of look like his wife?

Or maybe vice-versa, she is starting to look like him?

Wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about that?

Life imitating art?


Next up, they're now comparing Trump's record-setting Rally to FDR's historic "Sea Girt" speech:

Final Tally For NJ Rally Is 80-100,000 People, Rivals Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 Speech In Sea Girt

And finally, this is happening tomorrow:

Please Join Me Tomorrow (Tuesday) — From NOAH

I sure hope you can join me!

That's a wrap for this one, I'll see you back here tonight for our normal report.

Your friend,



I don't know about you, but I have several people in my family who suffer from headaches.

We have heating pads and ice packs galore, but they never seem to really help.

That's why I got one of these and it's been a LIFE SAVER for our family!

It's called the Harmony Gel Cap:

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Full 360 degree coverage...

Totally drug-free relief....

One size fits all...

They've been selling out a lot, but you can check to see if it's in stock here:


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