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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/16/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Monday evening Newsletter!

Got another great one for you today.

We start with this update from Timothy Dixon:

New Prophetic Dream From Timothy Dixon: The Epidemic To Steal America — Angels At The Supreme Court

Really interesting how he says they asked for help!

Wonder which ones?

Next we have an update to a story we’ve been covering for 1-2 years now…

Is he real?

It looks like he might be….or at least that they rolled out the stunt double today:

Does John Durham Exist? A Huge Video Update!

For the first time in 2 years, we have video, even if it’s only 3 seconds of him mean-mugging the camera!

I’m still not 100% convinced this is the be-all-end-all guy…

I still think it might be a cover to keep everyone safe.

But…we got a 3 second video.

Then the cameras in the Courtroom “glitched out” so consider me still skeptical…

And for an update on the actual trial, here you go:

FINALLY: Trial Begins For Clinton’s Lawyer Michael Sussman

And what do we have here?

This is how you defraud an entire nation:

90% Of Users On Twitter Are Bots? What Elon Musk May Have Stumbled Upon

This next one is sad to see…

I bet he was quadruple quintuple super vaxxed:

Democrat U.S. Senator Suffers Stroke During Speech

And you won’t even believe this next one…

I almost didn’t until I researched it myself:

Why Does Planned Parenthood’s Headquarters Look EXACTLY Like An Aztec Child-Sacrifice Pyramid?

You gotta love Buddy Brown and his latest song is so good:

Buddy Brown: “Tampons In The Boys Room”

Thanks to Robb for this next one:

Perry Stone: “I Heard This Word About The Biden Regime…”

And we end with our top story…

So important right now.

I hope this helps many people!

GUIDE: How To Make Homemade Baby Formula!

Your friend,



Brand new shirt released today and only a limited amount of sizes in stock.This is personally a favorite of mine….Check availability and sizes here:


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