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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/20/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and Happy Friday everyone!

Today is one of those days where I have way more to show you than I can jam into one Newsletter.

So I’m going to make this long, but I’m still leaving off some really good stuff.

Remember to bookmark and so you can visit those directly for all other stories!

Oh, and one more thing…

Now that TruthSocial is available to EVERYONE via web browser, make sure you Follow Me and we’re friends!

This is me 👉

Ok, NOW let’s dive in to the news…

Huge news day, and we start with this:

Nancy Pelosi Barred by San Francisco Archbishop From Receiving Holy Communion Due to Pro-Abortion Stance

Funny, I thought it was because she would burst into flames if she entered a church!

Get it?

Two reasons, one because she is evil incarnate, but second because of the extremely high alcohol content of her body!

She’s like a walking bonfire starter kit!

Godspeed Nancy, and good luck in eternity…

I hope you like a dry heat.

Now let’s move on to a very serious and very UPLIFTING prophetic word:

Prophetic Word of the LORD to President Donald Trump and Melania: “ANY DAY, ALL AT ONCE!”

I hope everyone really enjoys that as much as I did.

Speaking of a prophetic word, this will blow your mind.

This is Rob Skiba (who was an amazing man — I’d love to know how many of you are familiar with him) who predicted with almost EXACT precision the PlannedDemic and the Vaxx Mandates…back in 2013!

Watch this absolutely incredible 2 minute clip:

Rob Skiba Predicts Vaccine Mandates In 2013 With Near Perfection! [Mark of the Beast]

Miss you Rob!

Sad news to report about Dr. Zelenko:

Dr. Zelenko Admitted To The Hospital: “No Matter What Happens, I Want You To Know…”

And speaking of Dr. Z, his Z-DTox is back in stock for everyone who keeps asking me!

Here’s How To REBUILD Your Immune System If You Took The Poison Vaxx (Dr. Zelenko)

Last week, I reported on President Trump’s comment about a “Hurricane Gun” and all the mockery he was getting.

Well, turns out he was right again:

Think Weather Modification Is Fake? Then You Haven’t Read This From The Government! [Trump Right Again!]

Big news out today from Mike Lindell who simply does NOT give up:

Mike Lindell Says “Terminate All The Machines!” [Second Lawsuit Filed]

God bless you Mike!

And if you want to support Mike and all he is doing, I can get you a huge discount while you do it!

Go here:

Updated With New Deals: The We Love Trump Discounts Page At MyPillow — Use Promo Code WLT And Get Up To 66% Off!

Warning, this next one is extremely graphic, but they seem to think this is ok for your kids…

And you say?

Philly Teachers Push Sexually Explicit Transgender Conference [Warning: Very Graphic]

Really great insight into the Sussmann judge here…

Do not worry folks!

Here’s Why There Is No Reason To Worry About Judge Cooper In The Sussmann Trial

And all the Rats are outing themselves, aren’t they?

Really bad look here from Carl:

Fox News Host Wants To Put YOU In Jail For “Misinformation”

And we end with our top story…

OH BABY, it’s happening!

Told ya it was an amazing day!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



Something brand new for you tonight…

How awesome is this?  #UltraMAGA baby!

And I can get you 50% off for a limited time.

Who loves ya baby?

Check availability and sizes here:



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