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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/28/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

After a long weekend, the news was SLAMMED today!

I’ll bring you up to speed….

Starting with this report I first brought you yesterday:

STUNNING FAILURE: RFK Jr. Secures Only 2% in Libertarian Race

But did you see who they nominated?

Yeah….NOT going well:

Libertarians Nominating LGBTQ Chase Oliver BACKFIRES

Gee, you think maybe they should have gone with Trump instead of this clown?

What a bunch of losers, and I say that as someone who identifies more as a Libertarian than I do a Republican.

So sad.

Next up, Bob DeNiro thought he would “get Trump” today.

He ended up having a very bad day:

Actor Robert De Niro Gets Heckled Outside Courthouse During Anti-Trump Press Conference

And if you’ve been wondering why Trump gives Speaker Johnson so much support, I think Kash explained it very well here:

Kash Patel Explains Why President Trump Is Working So Closely With Speaker Johnson

This is wild and very scary:

BREAKING: Explosion Rocks Chase Bank, Multiple People Reportedly Pulled From Rubble

Next is an article I’ve been wanting to write for a while now.

Finally did it today:

There Is A Limit On How Long People Can Be Pushed….And That Limit Is Tipping

Curious to know what you think and if you feel the same way.

This next one is very interesting:

AZ Secretary of State Warns of DEEPFAKES Ahead of 2024 Election, But Why?

A lot going on in Arizona!

Big update from Judge Cannon next:

Judge Cannon Issues Huge Ruling In Trump’s Classified Document Case

This next one is causing a HUGE argument in the comments section.

And that’s ok!

Conversation, debate and discourse around ideas is good!

Wait, So We Never Landed On The Moon?

Love to know what you think about this topic!

Then we have a real classic next:

CLASSIC: To Don, From Joe: “I wasn’t in my right mind….it was stolen!”

So good!

And I love the NoahReport shoutout at the end!

Anyone else remember Jeb Bush’s “Please Clap” moment?

Well, heres’ the new one:

WATCH: Biden Has “Please Clap” Moment During West Point Commencement Speech

Next is an update on our food supply:

First It Was Cattle, Now They Want To mRNA Vaxx The Chickens!

And don’t miss this:

Millions at risk if Trump’s statement is True??!

We end with our top story of the day:

WATCH: The Video Hillary Clinton Does Not Want You To See…

Told ya it was a big day!


Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed



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